
Who would win in a fight, Carmelo or Pau Gasol?

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Who wins?




  1. they would be too scared to fight

  2. Pau for sure. If Pau ever got steamed enough to fight, 'Melo would run a mile, like he always does.

    Just cos Pau doesn't usually swing, doesn't mean he wouldn't destroy someone if he actually did decide to go for it.

  3. Carmelo would kill Pau like he did 2 years ago because Pau hates fighting

  4. Carmelo will start the fight

    Pau will back away and try to be the bigger man

    Carmelo will sneak him from behind then run away.

    so...i dunno

  5. Pau, wud probably crush Melo w/ his big feet. HAHA.

  6. melo wil pull out his 9 and shoot gasol

  7. Melo will win, Pau will go to her mommy, crying and her mother will decide that Pau should play chess.

  8. Pau

  9. Melo

  10. Gasol would probably try to bite Melo since he looks like he's related to BigFoot.

    buuut yeah, I agree, Melo would probably pull out his glock.

  11. Carmelo Would hit Pau then run!!Pau would hit the ground like he got shot!!

    Hard to pic a winner when 1 guy runs and the other guy flops

  12. Carmelo would wait outside Gasols lockers room and when Gasol finally came out Carmelo (and gang) would just KILL 'EM.............that would be the end of that!! Then he'd scamper off and go drinking or something to get rid of the memory of KILLING a man then he'd get another DUI!!

  13. I doubt Pau would even swing, im pretty sure melo will do a "hit n run" but melo would win.

  14. They would act normal, then carmelo would sucker punch gasol all of a sudden, and gasol falls to the ground being the softie he is. He stands up to retaliate but carmelo is nowwhere in sight.

    Who had won?

    depends on your perception. Carmelo punched Gasol to the ground, therefore Carmelo wins.


    Gasol wins because Carmelo retreated from the fight.

  15. Carmelo aint a wussy ok I bet you cant say that in his face he could beat up Gasol!!

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