
Who would win in a fight...1000 canadian soldiers or 1000 usa soldiers?

by Guest57557  |  earlier

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Please settle this debate with me now with valid facts and arguements besides the ole obv usa or obv canadian




  1. well ask you self who traines who.  i know for a fact that the use trains the canadian army in artilery and in their air strike attacks. they train them right at fort sill ok

  2. chuck norris

  3. The nearest bar.  It would only be a short time before someone asked " what are we doing this for?" and someone else would suggest, we all go have a couple beers and settle it over a game of pool..

  4. Does Canada even have that many soldiers? Aye?

  5. Neither, because Canada & The USA wouldn't be that ignorant to fight in the 1st place.

  6. im a canadian and me have a great army but nothing like the USA. if it was just soldier vs soldier and no bombing.  then it be hard to say. Canada really puts no money into their army like the USA does. but they would both be fighting with the same guns  M4. m16, m21, m249. so it be even. but id say USA cuz they probley have more field expierence

  7. Well to answer the question, I would have to say that yes the US would win in a "fight" although it would never happen, and US would win mainly because of their possession of nuclear weapons.  But I think the more important question to be asking here is which military would be a better choice to be involved in. Because when it's all said and done, it is going to be the soldiers that are being directly affected here. So if a countries main goal is to be protecting its people then they should obviously care about the well being of the people who are set out to protect us in the first place.  Here are my reasons why the Canadian military is better because of that:

    -The Canadian military trains just as well as the US military, which is really well for each.  EDIT: I second what the above poster said about Canadian and US units fighting in war games, in which the Canadian units won, based on the fact they were better trained. Not sure how I forgot to mention that, at least some people are thinking today. And when you really think about it, it would be fairly obvious that the Canadian military would be better trained because of there being no need for soldiers to be put immediately into battle, thus causing the majority of soldiers to be there because they truly want to be there, which in turn means more passionate, determined and you guessed it, better trained soldiers.

    -The Canadian military pays much better than US.

    -The Canadian military offers more security in the sense that there is less chance of death due to the lack of involvement in war for Canada, and also if a soldier gets injured, our medical care is far better than that of the US.

    -The Canadian military offers great credentials (as does US) but Canada still wins in this category because their soldiers retire younger with much better pension. Gotta love the long term benefits.

    So the conclusion here, is that yes the US might win in a "fight" but if you want to be asking and answering the truly important questions,  then Canada wins easily. Also I should make you aware this is coming from a completely neutral point of view, no opinions just facts.

  8. The soldiers don't matter because the USA nukes Canada into submission before they even fight. Although if you put 2000 soldiers on an open field like in old wars then no one would win because they'd just kill each other till there was one person or no one left (which wouldn't really be winning if only one guy was left).

  9. I'd say the Canadian soldiers would win based off past war games in which Canada units beat US units. Better trained.

  10. I would say USA

    they have been putting their skills to the test for years now canada has not had to do that for sometime so they might be a bit offense...

  11. 1000 us soldiers because they have higher technology and nuclear weapons

  12. That all depends on where the war is fought. America does well when defending but has a terrible track record when they are attacking, Vietnam and Iraq are obvious examples.

    I would prefer Canada won because the Americans are too arrogant.

    though i don't see that any self respecting Canadian would ever want to conquer the USA because the best part about being Canadian is that you are not American.

  13. By design and structure, the US side would be a battalion with considerable added firepower vs. a Canadian unit with a heck of a lot less backing them up. No contest. Doctrinal differences wouldn't let such a thing get to the level of the street brawl your question suggests.

  14. You would have to first factor in the situation and the condition of the fighting, where they are fighting, and what for.

    I can guarantee you that a situation like this would only happen if americans attacked Canada. In which case it wouldn't just be Canadian soldiers, but also British ones they'd be fighting.

    And asking this question on a network which seems to have many americans on it, it seems that their answers aren't "obv american" as you said, but the same thing in a larger number of smaller words.

    Second to last, for all of you that are going to start talking about technology and who is farther ahead, realise that Canada has much of the same technology. Both governments have their own technology which they will not be sharing anytime soon, but they both have it.

    Lastly, for the person who stated that the american massacre in Vietnam was a "tie", you are very, very, wrong. Americans dropped almost three times as many bombs on Vietnam then ALL the bombs dropped in World War II, not to mention Agent Orange (to kill the environment, and mutate animals, plants, and genes) and still lost. They attack Vietnam to "save" them when no help was needed. It's the same thing they did and are doing with Korea. At least Vietnam was luckily able to reunite itself.

  15. -They'd wipe each other out, and make Bin Laden's "Day".  :(

  16. Impossible to answer.  Depends on the men (do they all have the exact same type of training?)(does one side have more sharpshooters?), weapons (again, do they have the exact same weapons?), terrain (are they lined up face to face like duelers, or is there differing obstacles to use for shelter?) and on and on.  There is no way to answer this question accurately.

  17. well does canada even have an army?

    the u.s. has never lost a war unless u count Vietnam which i consider a tie lol, i think the united states would kick canada's ***

  18. win?

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