
Who would win in a fight an adult chimp with nunchucks or an adolescent boy with a pocket knife?

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Who would win in a fight an adult chimp with nunchucks or an adolescent boy with a pocket knife?




  1. the chimp lol nunchucks have longer reach xD

  2. the chimp would destroy the boy before he even got close enough to use the knife the chimp would crack the boys head open like an egg with his chucks

  3. The chimp would win even without the nunchucks.  The initial attack would cause so much apprehension in the adolescent that he would not be effective with the knife.  Plus, chimps have thicker skin (don't feel as much pain), and are much much stronger then a human.


  5. It depends on whether the subjects are trained how to use their weapons.  A chimp is trainable, although a set of nunchucks might be a bit complex.  But have you ever known an adolescent male to listen to anybody?  

    "Okay keep the sharp pointy end away from yourself, I said keep...stop crying and pick up your fingers, we're going to the hospital.  Sorry Bonzo, maybe next time..."

  6. chimps are normally around 3 times stronger than your average adult male. this one is armed as well. fighting is a part of his life. he is not tamed by society.

    the boy is just a boy and will probably cry because he cut his finger trying to open daddy's pocket knife. and there are police reports of people being shot 20 times or more and still coming at you.

    i've talked to marines and army guys abroad who say it aint like the movies at all where you shoot some guy and he falls over he lies there screaming for 20 minutes until he dies...or hes still coming after you.

    i saw a video once of a guy who got a 12 guage shotgun wound in the center of his chest from less than a foot away and he didnt die immediately either. what's this dumb lil boy gonna do with a pin knife?

    lesson, 100% guarantee the chimp will win.

    then again....maybe they'll both turn on you for asking such a silly question lol

  7. Funny question, but I'll answer it seriously.  

    Chimpanzees are apparently quite dangerous because of their powerful bite.  They have been known to seriously injure or even kill humans who outweigh them by 100 pounds.  Experts will tell you that the proper way to deal with an angry chimp is to run.  A boy, even with a knife, wouldn't stand a chance.

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