
Who would win in a fight? ninja turtles vs. power rangers?

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weapons and all




  1. Depends on which PR team.  Some of them are very powerful and can fall from their Megazord mostly unharmed, while other teams can only take a few small laser blasts before they involuntarily de-morph.

    MMR- Zeo  the Rangers would win.  Season 3 rangers would have it the easiest considering the ninja powers, Ninjor, the zords , and three of em were ninjas even BEFORE season 3. (Rocky, Adam, and Aisha). Oh yeah and not to mention that huge freakin Power Cannon.  Man I loved that thing. lol

    .....And Zeo had the Gold Ranger. Wether Jason or Trey(especially Trey considering the powers didn't nearly kill him), you do NOT mess with the Gold Ranger if you want to live. (Silver Ranger was the most powerful? Puh-leeze, everyone knows Gold Ranger could tear him in half.)

    Turbo....hmm...I dunno. Probably not the second team.  TJ wasn't exactly a good leader. (hey, that monster easily destroyed one of our most powerful zords....lets call on our weaker megazord. Yeah, that'll do it!  )

    Space: yeah I know they faced the TMNT, but that was a crappy episode with a crappy version of the TMNT. (They shoulda used the movie versions)

    Lost Galaxy/

    LightSpeedRescue: I'd think both these teams would lose.  LG because they're stupid enough to run at their enemies with their arms spread way out (great idea, give your enemies an easy target! ), and LSR is one of those teams that can barely take a few laser blasts. Even the foot soldiers from the 80s TMNT cartoon would rip them apart.

    WF: Never saw much of it --I think they'd annoy the Turtles so much with their "never give up!" stuff , the Turtles would just leave to go fight less annoying Rangers.

    NS: Possibly a tie, if one of the Thunder Rangers stays out of it. (which they would probably due to some ninja code of honor or somethin ...or just because they'd think it'd take only one of em to kick Raph's a**.  lol)

    PRDT:  Three ridiculously powerful Rangers--one who's been in hundreds of battles--, two others with the regular team power-up, and a super-genius lookin out for them on the computer at their hideout.....vs four turtles (one a super-genius) and a mutant rat ninjutsu master.....and a crazy guy with a hockey mask.   I'd say this one goes to the Rangers.

    SPD:  .....that's a little more difficult. If Donatello gets ahold of one of those morphers, he could put the Rangers in those cards. But that'd mean leaving the battle. SPD just cares about bringing criminals in, not being fair and fighting one-one-one.

    MF -JF :  Neither Rangers nor Turtles would win. The turtles would get so freaking bored waiting for even ONE Ranger to finish morphing, they'd decide to go get a few pizzas instead.

  2. G.I. Joe

    Every decades' super heroes get a little more sissy-fied.  It's been a downward spiral from the Titans to these weird japanimation things they have on the cartoon stations now.

  3. power rangers

  4. Thats a tough one...

    but i would have to say, TMNT =]

  5. of course ninja turtles

  6. power rangers.....they rock!

  7. TMNT by far sheesh no brainer

  8. Wow, that is a great question.

    Although I have been a huge Ninja Turtles fan since I was a little kid, I am going to have to go with Power Rangers. They have giant robots and then can come together and make 1 super giant robot.

    I don't think the calling on the robots is fair.

    If it was just between the Power Rangers (no robots) I think the Ninja Turtles would kick their butts.

  9. pfft...Ninja turtles of course, they are ninja's and have real weapons. though i don't know what is up with the power ranger these days, there are some many different one. the one i use to watch when i was young were pretty cool though.

  10. Power Rangers.

  11. weapons and all? that would be the power rangers. they have giant robots to fight for them and the turtles dont.

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