
Who would win in a fight to the death between Mr. Met and Wally the Green Monster?

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This is an honest to God serious question:

I personally think Mr. Met would win because he has the huge head and he can go all Zidane on Wally until his heart stops.

Wally on the other hand has the big mouth and the huge arms, so he could pummel Mr. Met...

hmmm, its too close to call.

I still say Mr. Met wins, but not by much.

What do you say?




  1. Mr. Met

    Lets Go Mets!!

  2. I say Wally, because he is after all a Monster, and as little kid weren't we all afraid we would be eaten by monsters?!!

  3. Go Mr.Met!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I will go with Mr.Met!

  5. Wally is a BEAST!

  6. Mr. Met. One head butt and it's game over. Plus, his head is hard, not soft and mushy like Wally's, so any blows (which could not reach his body due to that huge head) would have little effect.

  7. Wally would win b/c mr. met is pond scum, and pond scum cant fight

  8. mr met

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