
Who would win in a match between Muhammed Ali and Rocky Marciano?

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Who would win in a match between Muhammed Ali and Rocky Marciano?




  1. Muhammed Ali has the speed. yes speed is a good key to have in boxing but it isnt all about speed.

    I say Rocky Marciano

  2. Rocky never lost, and i wouldn't bet against him had he fought Ali..

  3. ali would decison the rock, just as a 38 year old walcott almost did.

  4. ya i think Muhammed Ali too

  5. I would have to go wit Ali just for his speed and stamina, i think it would go all the way tho.

  6. rocky he also had stamina to he used to run 10 miles each day in army boots and them son of a bit*hes weigh a lot

  7. if Ali can lose to Leon Spinks.. he can lose to Rocky too.  Rocky by ko.

  8. rocky marciano would kill ali (the most overrated athlete next to michael jordan of the 38% of shooting career)

  9. Anyone that answers the Rock needs to give themselves an uppercut!

    The Rock was great in his era but was only 185 pound. Ali's era boxing style had changed and Ali was way more scientific, faster and powerful than the Rock.

    Don't get me wrong the Rock was awesome in his era but not in Ali's league.

  10. ALI in his prime.

  11. For me it would be marciano who comes out the victor, he just never gave up and kept on coming forward throwing punishing shots to the body, arms and head, he was a machine, i think ali would have his sucess early on but wudnt have the power to trouble marciano so he would just keep coming forward and eventually wear ali down until the accumilation of punches forces ali to go down

  12. Don King SOMEHOW would manage to get the promoting rights and both fighters would be on their butts 20 minutes after the fight ended with King smiling all the way to the bank.

  13. Muhammad Ali would exploit Marciano's style like Columbus exploited the indies.

    In Marciano's day very few if any fighters had a good jab or had no jab at all, which is why Marciano's style was so effective. He could come in hands low and throw bombs.

    A master of the jab like Ali would stick it in Rocky's face every time he came in. It would stop Marciano in his tracks while Ali lands a crushing overhand right or strait right or whatever he wanted to hit him with.

    At 6'4 Muhammad Ali was faster then the 5'11 Marciano and out weight him by 20 or so pounds. Ali's jab would tear Marciano's face to shreds and I think by round 12 or 13 Muhammad drops an exhausted, battered and bloody Marciano to the Canvass for the 10 count.

    The Rock retired because he struggled in his last few fights when he stepped up his competition against Charles and Wallcott and Moorer, he won those fights but he was being hit more often and even rocked on a couple occasions, then when he was knocked down by Moore he said nuts to a Patterson fight and retired. At the time if the Rock knew of Pattersons shaky chin he may have taken the fight, but instead he played it safe and retired because he knew it would be increasingly hard to compete against the new generation of heavyweights who could jab, move and where bigger and faster then he was.

    His Era was over and he was smart enough to know it.

  14. In his prime ali was everything that Rocky Marciano wasn't, he was big, he was fast, he was elusive and he had great foot work as well as the stamina and the chin to match, Rocky Marciano struggled against a 30 something year old ezzard charles (who had already showed signs of lou gehrig's disease) and almost got beaten by an even older jo walcott and he get knocked down by a 38 year old archie moore....if Ali had faced these people in his prime when they were this old he would have won each fight within two rounds, there is no logical way that Marciano could ever beat Ali, after all Ali has faced much better and tougher opponents than Marciano, Rocky Marciano didn't hit as hard as George Foreman he was not faster than floyd patterson nor was he smarter than Ali in the ring, there is no comparison here, Rocky Could never beat a prime Ali.

  15. 2 hoodz, Ali lost to leon spinks when he was past his prime and already showing signs of parkinson's disease, you can't base your decision on such a silli notion. We are talking about a prime Ali not an old and sick Ali, Rocky Marciano would have stood no chance.

  16. rocky by ko

  17. Career stats have nothing to do with the fighters and neither does a made up computer fight - these two points I agree with you on. The real issue is this - styles make fights. Ali was a great fighter - one of the greatest of all time and one of my favorite fighters as well. The problem in this fight is that Rocky Marciano is exactly the kind of opponent and the kind of style that gave Ali fits. Like any boxer, Ali had difficulty in dealing with pressure fighters who had crowding styles and fought out of a crouch. Boxers like to fight on the outside and keep their opponents on the end of their jabs. This is not what Ali would be able to do with Marciano. Marciano's style was very similar to Joe Frazier and Ken Norton's except that Marciano was better at it and could blast an opponent out of there with either hand where's Joe Frazier really only had the left hook and Norton lacked the killer instinct. It has been mentioned that Ali was able to take George Foreman's best shots and come back to win - actually that's inaccurate. Ali, due to Foreman's long looping punches, used the rope a dope against him causing Foreman to use up his best shots on Ali's arms as he leaned away. Ali wouldn't be able to do this against Marciano because he came in low and like to fight on the inside so Rope-a-Doping wouldn't work either. Basically, Marciano would spend most of the fight walking down Ali who would try to move and flick his jab as Marciano dished out body punishment until Ali started to tire out By around round 10 or 11 Ali would start to be more in range for Marciano's power shots and by round 14 Ali would be staring up at the ring lights wondering why the person above him insisted on counting out numbers one to ten.


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