
Who would win in a match?

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who would win a lion or an anaconda!!!???




  1. Are you high?

    wake up dear.This is a cricket section.

  2. The Lion of Lahore!

  3. Why is this in the cricket section?

    Anyway an anaconda would probably win because it would be too fast and its venom would be too deadly for the lion to handle.

  4. A cricket would win


  6. well using a bit of imagination, i would say the lion, pure because (using your imagination) a lion would be able to stand on its back legs and use its front legs to bowl (like arms) and hold the bat, whereas i cant see the anacodna being able to bowl or bat

  7. Lions are found in Africa (also seperate species the Asiatic Lion (rare) which is found in the subcontinent).

    Anacondas are native to South America.

    Therefore it is highly unlikely that the two animals would ever meet (much less in a Cricket Match).

  8. anaconda

  9. The anaconda would win!!!

    Its big and could swallow a human person if it wanted to what would stop it from eating a lion?

    By the way why is this in the cricket section?

  10. lion

  11. I think that anaconda will obviously win since anaconda eats animals but lion doen't eats snakes....

    btw lion will not initiate hes attack on anaconda by seeing the size of the mammal..

    but if he is hungry he will atack in fianlly lose he life[even match]

  12. The team that makes good plays will win.

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