
Who would win in a war: Mexico vs Cuba ?

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and why ?




  1.  Well if you talk about the ability to transport troops, equipment, etc, Mexico probably has a larger chance. When you talk about ordenance and supplies, well Mexico is allies with the biggest arms dealer on the world, the US, right on the northern border, who would aid Cuba? The Chinese? The Russians? And have a full blown out intercontinental war? No thanks! 

    Mexico would probably repel a Cuban invasion, hands down, but Mexico doesn't have the capabilities to invade another country, not even a small island like Cuba.

    Plus Mexico's Air Force is pretty weak, they couldn't wage war for an extended period of time.

  2.  omg!! mexico  DUH


  3. meixo

  4. Why in the world would Mexico and Cuba go to war?

  5. im 90 percent sure that cuba will win if they went to war they have better miltary experince and a tougher country even if is not friends with us. it still friends with russia and china. so cuba

  6. Mexico wouldn't have to do much. Once attacked, Cuba will become embroiled in a large civil war.

  7. Mexico and Cuba left alone, with no intervention from any other country. Is sad to say..but it would be the modern version of Homer's Iliad.

    The day the Mexicans dare to touch Cuba, a country that has been preparing for over 50 years for a "Yankee Invasion", that day, the Mexicans will lose their army. Cuba has one of the best armies in the region, and served as an ally in the Angolan Civil War and the War against South Africa also in Angola and Namibia.

    Mexico is a regional power, however Cuba is a well prepared underdog.

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