
Who would win in a war between Israel and America?

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I'm a true blood Australian and I think Israel would wipe American blood from their shoes with their Middle Eastern cloth.




  1. Why would Israel fight the people who pay for their military? Every major piece of equipment they have comes from the U.S. all the way down to the M-16. Not to mention the billions we give them every year. A war could be won simply by cutting off the flow of cash and nothing else. Israel's neighbors would do the rest in, oh, 5 years?

  2. that would be like a war with rhode island. i think we could take'm

  3. haha they are ally...but i think america...

  4. israel is practically america, why on earth would they fight??  i agree with "what he said"

  5. America

      To elaborate on your edits---    When you turn 18, you HAVE TO BE IN THE ISRAELI MILITARY.... numbers do not matter.   The United States has a military of the willing.... less dissension, more camaraderie, overall better morale.  THe US military is the best, in history.  We have the funding, the support, and the leadership to beat any country.  .

    We would NEVER fight with Israel simply because the two countries are probably the closest allies.  IF it came down to it.  Our Navy would obliterate Israel 50 miles off the coast.  They may have a strong Air Force, but it pails in comparison to ours,  not to mention, we have the Army, the Navy, and the Marines.  

    It would be a war fought on Israeli ground.  Which is the most significant point.

  6. No offence but Israel is basically a third world country. The country is held back by religion. Look at the west none of them are that religious. That's a big reason why the middle east is stuck in the middle ages. They cant agree on anything because of their different religions. They argue over things that have supposedly happened thousands of years ago. They don't stand united. Britain was at its height of it empire hundreds of years ago. The middle east is far from that stage. America would have Britain to back it up, and Great Britain would have the EU to back it up. "Israel has 2 million active troops. The best air force in the world and a history of defeating numerically superior enemies"  Its not size it tactics and ingenuity. And obviously you have never heard of the Royal Air Force. Until the Middle east gets over its obsession with religion it will always be at war with each other.                

  7. The Invading Force would loose! The US although numerically superior (possibly) has proved it can not launch ANY successfull occupation of another country, least of all one as strong as Israel. It would be like the fit younger brother punching out the lazy older brother!

  8. 2 countries that are Allies - why the question. as far as power - they are just now getting a few more jets on their plate - not to mention the 3 subs they have.  - Seems very limited. but the question is ludicrous. As far as number of troops - just a few weapons can easily take out a very large number. It is not an issue.

  9. It wouldn't happen, but Israel will never be defeated.

  10. I hope this is a joke. Whats israel the size of new jersey please. It would be over in a couple hours.

  11. Neither country, since both have large nuclear arsenals.

    Israel's nuclear policy is to use them in case of an "existential threat." War with America certainly would be that.

    The likely outcome would be mass destruction on both sides.

    However, America would still exist afterward, and Israel could be completely destroyed since it's the size of New Jersey.  Do you count that as victory?  I dunno.

    Luckily this will never happen as America and Israel are close allies.

  12. Israel lacks two things to make war with the United States.

    Geography: Israel is extremely far away from the United States and as such would be unable to strike at the infrastructure and industry of the US. Israel's lacking of ICBMs and aircraft carriers would prevent her from effectively crossing that gap.

    Military size: Israel does not have the same military size or military capability that the United Sates does. Your statement of 2,000,000 standing troops is false. To begin, the Israeli government does not disclose the size of the IDF. In 2004, however, the International Institute for Strategic Studies estimated the strength of the ground forces at 125,000 troops, including 40,000 career soldiers and 85,000 conscripts, with an additional 600,000 men and women in the reserves. Summing that all up gives us a total of: 725,000. This would be the backbone of the IDF with maybe an additional 10,000 to 20,000 in other branches of the service. The US military currently boasts 1,200,000 enlisted and 225,000 officers across all branches. Even if we were to give Israel the benefit of believing that their troops are better trained, they do not possess many of the tactical advantages that the Top Down Bottom Up US army currently boasts. The operational strength and global deployment of the US armed forces also enables it to overcome the distance between Israel and the US with very little difficulty, meaning that Israeli infrastructure and the Israeli war machine would be far more exposed than US assets.

    These are just assuming that we are discussing a straight war between two countries. The reality is that if the US wanted allies, it would have nearly an endless supply from the Arab League, only further cementing the fact that it's military might would be greater than Israel's. In fact, if the US were to go to war with Israel, I doubt that she could keep most of Israel's arab neighbours from joining in the fight, meaning that Israel would be fighting a war on multiple fronts like she has never seen before. Israel was able to deliver a crushing defeat in the 6 day war because of its military and tactical advantage over the arab aggressors. This would not be the case when fighting the US.

    As an aside, I'd like to refute Hopeless above me and correct him:

    The US did not defeat a superpower in the Iraq war, and Iraq actually had fewer weapons than many of the countries which Israel engaged in the 20th century. Not only that, but the crushing defeat delivered by the 6 Day war was so severe that it still affects the geopolitics of the Middle East - 41 years later. Plus the defeat dished out by Israel in the Yom Kippur war basically crushed arab war making in the Sinai until the present day.

    So, the IDF shouldn't be underestimated, but given the advantages that the US military possesses, this would really be a cut and dry situation for American victory.

  13. Although we are, and will remain, allies, America would win ultimately.

    The Israeli's do have a very large Army when you include all their reservists and they are extraordinarily dedicated, motivated and incredibly well trained. Even their reservists do some intensive training. Their Special Forces are numerous and are extremely well trained and outfitted and their Aviators are some of the best in the world.

    Since they do possess Nuclear Weapons, the destruction would be vast and overwhelming, however, the disparity would be enormous.

    The U.S. has the means to deploy Nukes from so many platforms, that if it came down to it, Israel would be a hole in the ground. A giant crater.

    The issue of range and deployment is the most critical facet here. The U.S. has the ability to deliver Nukes from such long and short range methods that the Israeli's would be ridiculously outgunned. Imagine forty five Nuclear submarines launching Nukes from short range and ICBM's delivering payloads from several thousand miles away, with vastly larger warheads.

    I think you get the picture.

    It won't happen, but if it did, my guess, it would last about 22 minutes. There would never be a ground war, it would be an air and nuclear war. The U.S. would still be here and Israel would be entirely gone. America is about the size of Australia and Israel is about a quarter of size of Tasmania.

    I trained with Israeli's, they are fierce and I love them! They are certainly among the most dedicated warriors in the world.

  14. i think that's bullshit, they couldn't even do over Hezbollah last year, and your saying they'd beat the battle hardened US force. your dreaming mate!!!

  15. Im a big supporter of both countries and i couldn't see neither of them going to war with eachother any time soon because of their good relationship.

    Israel has 2 million active troops, are you sure about that ?

    Although Israel has one of the strongest military forces in the world i i had to make a bet, it would probably go on America because of its size and overal power.

  16. The USA would, but that will never happen.  I have no idea why anyone, much less an Australian, would think the USA would go to war with our closest ally and front line defense on the war on terror.

  17. I thick that never happen but according to me Israel will win

  18. the dumbest question ever!!!

    I'm guessing your an american...

    All arrogant!

    And the real answer is no one, because there would be lives lost from both sides.

  19. james bond will step in and prevent the war after killing all the terrorists who are about to set off a nuclear bomb in an american base in australia near your house to provoke an american attack on an israeli air force squad on exercise in an australia air force base also near your house. either way you get killed in the cross fire and there is no war.  

  20. that war would never happen, because Israel is just a kiss up to America

    Ive been study history for six years and current issues for three, i know the facts.

    I only reason why Israel has the SECOND Best Air Force in the world is because the US funds them millions upon billions of dollars. But a very excellent point about the Jews being able to defeat larger armies. So did the USA. Remember a thing called the Iraq War? in THREE WEEKS, we defeated a super power, who had Biological and Chemical Weapons. the US used fewer than 25,000 troops while faceing a mad man who had more than a million at his command. That is greater than Israel defeating a bunch of weak Muslim countries in 6 days. Eygpt, Syria, and Jordan are not Superpowers. If Israel faced Iraq, or Iran, different story.

    the war would last a day

    325 American lives lost

    1,250 Israeli lives lost

    less than 5,000 injuried on both sides

  21. Well we wouldn't have to do anything at all to win. The moment war is declared all the Arab neighbors that we have been keeping at bay will roll into Israel. We will just sit back and watch the show. Maybe do a few air strikes here and there but they wouldn't be able to touch us.  

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