
Who would win in an Electoral Tie?????

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Ok, I have this Scenario (That I think is very likely to occur), where Obama picks up Nevada, Iowa, and New Mexico, and holds all his other states, and the rest go to McCain. In this case the EV is 269-269. Everybody says Obama would lose in this case, but I was thinking why, and I think it's more complicated. Lets say all the Dem Senators + the Vermont socialist back Obama, and all the Republican Senators + Lieberman back Mac, Cheney passes the tiebreaker for McCain, and he wins. However, I thought Chuck Hagel, (R-NE), would vote for Obama, because he even said he would consider being the VP.





  1. Didn't you already figure it out?  Yeah, the vote goes to Congress, but it probably wouldn't be a tie.  Obama is going to get wasted.  People are starting to see that he is a campaigner, not a great politician.

    EDIT: I'm adding two paragraphs that I found:

    Under the 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, if one candidate does not get 270 votes, the decision gets kicked to the House of Representatives, where each state gets a vote -- a formula that would likely guarantee an Obama victory.

    "Each state delegation would have one vote and whoever won a plurality of that state's delegation would get that state's vote," said Stephen Wayne, a presidential scholar at Georgetown University.

    Now, what those paragraphs don't seem to say is that that is how the US Vice President is decided.  I think that the Vice President is decided by the US Senate somehow.  Like it says "if one candidate" -- so it must be talking about one candidate for President, ignoring the Vice President.  I guess the complex rules are hard to come by because this has never happened.

  2. I alone. would be the deciding vote!!!

  3. Not sure yet,any event may happen can change Votes,I even can't decide who i am going to vote for yet ,since i don't like both parties  

  4. If there is an electorial tie...  The Congress alone will pick our next President.

  5. I'm pretty sure in case of a tie, the House votes, and then Obama would probably win because it's dominated by Pelosi-ites.

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