
Who would win in fight chuck norris or steven segal? there's no weapons. and there in the prime of the career

by Guest64441  |  earlier

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Who would win in fight chuck norris or steven segal? there's no weapons. and there in the prime of the career




  1. obviously chuck norris, hes unstoppable!~!!1

  2. Segal - Aikido is a much more technical and more destructive martial art than karate.

    Karate would have the edge if you have destructive power, but Norris is far from that level.

    It's a case of clashing styles, really. Karate is very rigid, and involves straight line movement, whereas aikido is all about circular motion.

    Because of the way you hit in karate, you generally don't hit as hard as you would if you were a boxer or a muay thai fighter. From this alone, we can deduce that Segal would be physically stronger and harder hitting.

    So I would give it to Segal via submission.

  3. Norris Easy

  4. Chuck actually fought in full contact tournaments and was a world champion. No matter how much training you have when you only practice in the gym you are not going to do well in a fight.

    Chuck has the advantage because of experience.

  5. chuck Norris, with one broke leg and a bad hand. Segal is bad, but i like Norris who fought in real tournaments.

  6. You are on smack if you dont think Chuck Norris and Seagal are real fighters.  You idiots who think guys who make movies are automatically not real fighters are out of your mind.  You are the same morons who think that Bruce Lee couldnty fight in real life.  If you ever actually knew about the man, you would know he had a very rough childhood and had hundreds of streetfights and that he was more driven that probably anyone in contemporary martial arts.  Having said that Chuck Norris is very tough as is Seagal but my heart says that Norris would find a way to win this contest.

  7. They are actors.  I don't care that Norris fought in Judo competitions.  Judo is a sport.  These are not real fighters.  Either of them would get wrecked by a real fighter.

  8. Chuck Norris

  9. Norris easy. Too fast, and hit like a truck.

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