
Who would win in this hypothethical chess game (Best of three ,twenty minutes,and Bobby Fischer rules)?

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*Mikhall Botvnikk-white

Emanuel Lasker-black




  1. Botvinnik.

    Botvinnik was the first great chess researcher.  He studied all the previous grandmasters, world champions and all their games.

    He knew Lasker inside and out.

    Lasker was truly one of the greatest players, but he didn't have the advantage of reading and memorizing all of Botvinnik's games.

  2. IMO Botvinnik would win.  He comes from a more recent generation of players, chess knowledge, and study.

  3. Lasker easily.  He played the man, not the board.  Botvinikk need people to throw games to win.  (Why do you think Bronstein and  that big Lithuanian GM did not shake his hand?)

    Botvinik was made by the NKVD, excuse me KGB.

    BTW, IfI recall Fischer rules have the position on knights and bishops transposed making previous study worthless.

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