
Who would win more gold medals for diving...Spitz or Osgood?

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I know we're gettin whupped but PAHLEASE!!! What a p***y!!!You guys are ahead 3-0 and diving??? Can't wait till we get to the 'Burgh for 3 and 4.




  1. I'm not sure where to start with this....

  2. I don't understand what the problem is -- for years upon years players have tried to learn the fine art of knowing when to go down and draw a penalty.  In this age of "protect the poor goalie" such a skill is essential.  now, I thought he was hit pretty hard and I wouldn't call what happen a dive in any way, but if he did help it along and it worked MORE POWER TO HIM.  The game is the thing, and whatever advantage you can get, whether up 3-0 or not, take it.

    Real world hockey - do what you have to do.

  3. SMACK...........oooops....did my hand just ***** slap sorry


  4. Osgoode spits!!!!  No one likes that!

  5. Osgood has proven to be an oscar-worthy diver (and liar), two series in a row.  "No, I didn't butt-end him" uhhhh, you know we have this thing called video these days?  Ignoring Osgood's acting skills (can you get a double minor for diving?), the Pens can't get anything going against the clutch and grab defense from the Wings.  Pens are way too slow and way outmatched.  If they decide they want to play some hustle, then this may become a series.  If not, sweep time.

  6. yea that was a bad dive but look whos talking the pens arent lookin like the most classiest team either.  Late hits, punches especially to Franzen who's been suffering from concussion symptoms.  I wouldnt be talking right now

  7. Did he dive? probably. Did he have to get hit before he had a reason to? absolutely. If you keep your hands off the goalie, you dont get called out. sucks to be him.

  8. Osgood dives a lot, but it would have been a penalty either way.

    Don't expect much to happen in game 3 and 4 for the pens. They aren't going in with a lot of momentum considering back to back shut outs

  9. Sounds like the Pens arent the only ones frustrated! Some fans must be too!! It was an incredibly stupid thing to do in the first place and Sykora knows it, the Wings are so far in their heads that even Roberts got desparate and can they get back in the series by being stupid? Simple answer.....THEY WONT! The Wings cant wait to get their either.

    Us Detroiters resent guys who try to imitate other famous Detroiters but as long as Malkin keeps playing Houdini and stays disappeared the Wings might have to be forced to hoist the Cup in your barn.....and to think I thought it might go 5!

  10. 'You' has it right - to answer the question, Spitz was (is) a swimmer, so sure, ozzie might get the diving prize by default.   I won't make excuses for him, it didn't look like much of a hit, but was ASKING to be called, honestly... why make a hit like that when the last thing your team needs is more penalty minutes?

    Whilst I'm thrilled that My Boys have put their stamp on this series, I was a bit disappointed in the Pens losing their discipline - I noticed more than one head shot to Franzen, and now realize why the teams can be so cagey about injuries in the playoffs - you can rely on the opposition to home in on it.

    I'm also looking forward to the games in Pittsburgh, though perhaps for different reasons to yourself.  

    Go Wings.

  11. Spitz was a swimmer, not a diver. You can't even get off a derogatory question correctly.

    it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the game.

    SOME of you Pens fans, have never seen REAL Western Conf hockey, and have NO idea what just hit you. so you grasp for straws and excuses. just like your coach did tonight, and like your players did on the ice. your leaders set the example, and instead of taking responsibility, they blame factors out of their control. no surprise that you are also.

    it's ok. wings fans did the same thing in 95 when the devils smoked them. lots of similarities.

    changing arenas still doesn't change how pittsburgh reacts to detroit's style of play. just like putting Roberts in, and switching lines doesn't do JACK or SH%$, unless you change your style.

    your superstars haven't even showed up.

    their +/- is horrible compared to Datsyuk and Zetterberg, yet all you hear about is the Golden Boy. That's great during the regular season. But Hart Trophies don't get your name on the Stanley Cup.

  12. Oh Pulllllllleeeeezzz!!!!

    Head blows to Franzen.....then shouldering our goalie........Sounds like sour grapes saying your guy was innocent. The refs let so many calls go against the Penguins and you complain when they are finally called....give me a break!!

  13. If you want to talk about *******, just look at Roberts and Gill.

  14. Ha!  I noticed the same thing.  The first one he took a spill after he pushed Malone was critical in that the Pens were finally getting some pressure and Osgood knew exactly when to go face first to draw the interference penalty.  The second one late in the game was just unnecessary.

  15. Phatt

    your cockyness from the Flyers series is gone

    STOP!!!!!!!!!!!  your crying

  16. You're in no position to be critical. You just got shutout twice in a row in the finals.

  17. If you want Osgood to stop falling then you should tell the Pens to stop hitting him.  I think that would end his acting pretty quick, don't you?

  18. Are you kidding? What kind of undisciplined team gets close to touching the goalie when down 3-0 at the end of the third? Are you trying to dig yourself an even deeper hole?Or are they just stupid? Every goalie would dive in that situation. The Pens are just out matched, out skilled, and under developed. Don't blame the loss on one dive, have some more respect for your team. They deserved to lose because they didn't show up.

  19. Osgood man.... He looks good in a speedo.....

  20. it is apparent ozzie was watching pens game tape too closly and picked up crosby's bad habits.


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