
Who would win the following animal fights?

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Siberian Tiger VS Kodiak Bear

African Lion VS Saltwater Crocodile

Polar Bear VS Nile Crocodile

Hippopotamus VS Great White Shark in shallow water

Polar Bear VS Anaconda

Clydesdale Horse VS Water Buffalo

Wolverine VS Cheetah

African Leopard VS Jaguar

Grey Wolf VS Striped Hyena




  1. 1) Kodiak Bear. Too big and too powerful. The Kodiak has the potential to weight in at 1,500 lbs. The Siberian Tiger generally maxes out around 600 lbs. That's a huge weight advantage for the bear.

    2) It depends how this fight initiated. If the lion jumps on the back of an unsuspecting crocodile, then the lion could most certainly inflict a mortal wound to the crocodile. If the crocodile ambushed the lion near the water, then the lion would be easy prey for the crocodile. I doubt these two animals would ever *face off* one on one with each other. If they did, I'd go with the crocodile.

    3) Again, it depends how the fight begins. They don't share territory, but assuming they did, the crocodile could ambush the bear. Although, Polars Bears can kill an animal as big as the walrus, so if the bear was hunting the crocodile, it could very easily kill it with a blunt blow to the skull of the crocodile.

    4) I'd go with the Hippo. The Hippo outweighs the Shark, and the Hippo has very thick skin, that the Shark would have a difficult time biting through. The Shark would most likely perform a test bite, to determine if the Hippo is prey, and that would p**s the ill tempered Hippo off. The Hippo needs one bite to crush the body of the Shark.

    5) Interesting one. The Clydesdale is the taller of the two, but the weight of the two is generally similar. The Water Buffalo is another ill tempered animal, and may be too tenacious for the big horse. Could go either way though, but I'd say Buffalo 6/10 times.

    6) Wolverine. I have no doubt that a wolverine would take out a cheetah. A cheetah, unlike other felines, cannot retract it's claws. It has to rely on it's agility and bite. The wolverine, pound for pound, has one of the hardest bites in the animal kingdom, and have been known to fight off animals as large as bears. The cheetah would either flee, or die of blood loss.

    7) The Jaguar is basically a bigger and stronger version of the Leopard, with a more powerful bite. I'll take Jaguar on size.

    8) Grey Wolf. Bigger, faster, more endurance. Grey Wolf VS Spotted Hyena would have been more competitive.

    BIGGourd- The back of the crocodile wouldn't be the only susceptible area of attack. The lion could easily inflict a mortal wound to the neck, or the head of the crocodile.

    Yankeefanboy, you should check your answers before you respond. No offense to you, just thought I'd correct your mistakes. A Cheetah can run up to 70 mph. Must faster than 40 mph. The question was who would win a fight, not who would win a race. Another major error was saying that the Siberian Tiger is extinct. No, it is not extinct. You also said that a shark would not be able to breath or swim.

  2. well i dunno why im gonna bother! jeezus man the dragon is definately gonna get best answer haha! but ill give it a try!

    1. kodiak bear. their alot bigger, and siberian tigers are almost extinct anyways. thats gotta tell ya somethin about their survival skills haha!

    2. saltwater crocodile, if it was near the water. that death roll of theirs, KILLER!

    3. nile crocodiles are pretty big, but polar bears are like the biggest land carnivores! and polar bears got expierience with water, too.

    4. hippo, definately. those sharks are wusses, and hippos can get mean!! plus its shallow water so theres nowhere to escape.

    5. anaconda. polar bears are friggin strong of course, but a 33 ft anaconda thats got a good grasp could take him. and if he got the right spots, the bear would be too weak to fight back.

    6. clyddesdale. ya never hear about water bufallo kickin azz. ya only see em bein eatin by crocs and lions. plus, clydesdales got budweiser! nuf said

    7. its a toss up haha

    8. arent they kida like the same except for fur pattern? well if i had to take a guess id say the jaguar, just cuz of that movie apocalypto haha

    9. grey wolf. i got those where i live and they can be mean! unless the striped hyena brings the wife and kids, which they usually do (dont they?), i'd say the wolf would take it. hyena,s are scavengers right? maybe they aint used to actually takin on anythin with a pulse!

    thanks bro it was fun! peace!!

  3. kodiak- as stated a huge size advantage

    croc- the back is the lest likely place to inflict a mortal wound on a croc... they can do win fights against lions (nto SW croc, but even smaller nile crocs)

    bear-  size difference, insulation, both semi aquatic

    hippo- shark could actually bite the hippo, hippo would impale shark

    bear- throughalmost immediate breakage of the spine

    buffalo- both can kick, buffalo has horns, plus agression issues

    i'd have to say wolverine- cheetahs REALLY aren't built for fighting

    jaguar- size, heavier build

    1-on-1 hyena- bite srength

  4. Siberian Tiger Vs Kodiak Bear

    The bear is bigger and stronger than the tiger but the tiger is faster and more agile. In order for the tiger to win, it has to be clever enough to figure out a way to defeat the bear quickly because tigers have very low stamina but bears have very high stamina. The tiger would have to duck and dodge the bears powerful paws because being hit by a bear can be fatal for most animals.  If the tiger can get past the bears paws, claws, and jaws and get a good grip on it's throat, the bear can be defeated. Otherwise, the tiger will definitely lose to the bear if it got tired. Of course, if the tiger ambushed the bear it will most likely win. Siberian tigers have been known to hunt and eat Kodiak bears.

    The bear wins: 6/10 fights

    lion vs salt water crocodile

    A saltwater crocodile is too much for the lion to handle. They are typically bigger than their cousin, the Nile Crocodile. A saltwater crocodile's skin is very tough and lions lack stamina. So, by the time the lion bites the saltie enough to injure it, it will most likely be out of energy. And the saltie would use that to his advantage to kill the tired lion.

    Saltwater crocodile wins: 8/10

    Polar Bear VS Nile Crocodile

    Crocodiles have better stamina than cats do, but it's nowhere near as great as that of a bear. Both the Nile Croc and the polar bear have the advantage of protection against body damage. The croc has tough scaly skin and the polar bear has strong blubber, solid muscle and an abundance of fur. The croc's main weapon against the Polar bear are his powerful jaws. The polar bear's jaws are not as powerful as the croc's, but they are still very powerful indeed. It also has big, sharp claws attatched to their powerful paws which they can use for weapons. On land, the polar bear is much faster than the Nile croc and it's great stamina will allow it to fight much longer than a croc can without getting tired. If it manages to flip the crocodile over onto it's back, the polar bear can kill it by biting or clawing it's incredibly soft belly.

    However, the Nile Crocodile will have a better adavantage than a polar bear would if they were to fight in the water.

    Polar Bear wins: 7/10 fights

    Hippopotamus VS Great White Shark in shallow water

    Such a huge fish like the Great White Shark would be less speedy and agile in shallow water. The hippo is very quick underwater despite it's incredible size. Although a bite from the Great White Shark can injure a hippo, it would take a lot more bites to actually kill it because the hippo's skin is extremely tough. The shark wouldn't be able to fight an animal as big as a hippo very well in shallow water. The hippo's jaws and tusks are extremely powerful and sharks have very fail bodies for such a formidable creature. So, a bite from a hippo can kill the Great White. Chances of victory would be much greater for the Great White Shark in deeper water.

    The hippo wins: 8/10 fights(in shallow water)

    Polar Bear VS Anaconda

    The heaviest anaconda can weigh over 500 lbs while Polar bears can weigh 1,700 lbs which is nearly a ton! The polar is much too large for even anaconda to swallow. It manages to coil around the polar bear to contrict it, it will literally have to use all of it's might to kill it. While it's getting constricted, the polar bear will slash and bite viciously at the anaconda's body which will injure it enough to kill it if it doesn't let go in time. However, if this fight took place underwater, the anaconda may manage to withstand pain better and drown the polar bear if coiled around it. Even so, the polar would still put up quite a fight and may still walk away victorious even if it took place in the water.

    Polar wins: 8/10 fights

    Clydesdale Horse VS Water Buffalo

    The horse's best defense against a water buffalo would be strong kicks from it's hooves. But a creature the size of a water buffalo can withstand that kind of pain. One stab from it's horns can easily kill the Clydesdale Horse.

    water buffalo wins: 9/10 fights

    Wolverine VS Cheetah

    Cheetahs are hunters, not fighters. They are only designed to fight other cheetahs. A wolverine may be smaller than a cheetah, but it is much more vicious and has much more stamina. It can literally rip the cheetah to shreds if it doesn't run away.

    Wolverine wins: 9/10

    African Leopard VS Jaguar

    The jaguar and leopard are equal in agility and speed. both animals have very low stamina like other cats. However, the jaguar is slightly larger than a leopard and it is much stronger. Leopards are very powerful, but it's strength doesn't come close to that of a jaguar.

    Jaguar wins: 9/10 fights

    Grey Wolf VS Striped Hyena

    Despite being weaker than the hyena, the grey wolf is an outstanding fighter/hunter(alone or in packs). Not to mention, the grey wolf is much faster and agile. However, the hyena have a way higher pain tolerance than grey wolves do due to it's muscular body structure it possesses deadly, powerful jaws. Both animals have incredible stamina and they'd both be up for fighting for a very long time if necessary. However, a spotted hyena would be much more difficult for a grey wolf to handle than a striped hyena.

    Wolf wins: 5/5 fights

    Hyena wins: 5/5 fights

  5. kodiak bear- the tiger is more agile but the bear has bout 1000 pounds more weight then the tiger. bears have meen seen killing a caribou with a swipe of there paw across the head.  

    nile crocodile- although the bear again has more weight the crocs ability to sneak up on prey just cms away kill catch the bear, although the polar bear has superb smell ability to smell seal under a meter of ice or food 3 kms away, so it might smell croc befor croc catches it.

    hippo- definently hippo although deep water shark would kick ***

    polar bear- first the anaconda wouldnt go after it for food so likly the bear would attack it, grabbing the snake by the throt and biting and clawing it would kill the snake

    water buffalo- these things are ******* tough

    wolverine- wolverine have been known to kill wolves several times there size they are tough although the cheetah would back off

    jaguar- jaguar is a biiger cat then the leopard jaguar is one of the top 4 big cats (tiger, lion, jaguar, cougar) although both have similar hunting technique it goes doen to who sees who first.

    grey wolf- fast and agile they know how to hunt and kill, hyena, although do some of there own killings arnt really perfect at it

  6. 1. Siberian is already extinct so Kodiak Bear because of evolution, he is the one still alive.

    2. Lion have you seen that footage on youtube for that water bison, the lion wins and the lion has traction.

    3. Hippo because the shark probably could not breath or swim

    4. Depends on where it is but I will say Anaconda, because it would wrap totally around that bear.

    5. Water buffalo, because they battle lions while horses fight riders

    6. Cheetah because they can run up to 40 miles per hour.

    7. Leopard because they blend in with the night.

    8. Wolf because they usullay travel in huge packs,

  7. 1) Siberian Tiger- Tiger's are far more agile and have better weponary than a Bear.

    2.)Polar Bear- if both on land, crocodile could win if on the edge of water though.

    3.)  Hippo's- Hippopotamus is more aggressive, and has the advantage in shallow water.  The great white wouldn't have a chance when spotted by the extremely territorial Hippo.

    4.) Polar Bear- I just think it would kill it in a bite

    5.)Water Buffalo-Because it can ram Hard

    6.) Wolverine- because a cheetah is lighter and doesn't have as sharp of claws

    7.)tough one.  I think the Leopard would, because it has a bigger size and stronger bite.

    8.) Hyena-if it is one on one because they are fare more aggressive

  8. 1.Kodiak Bear

    2.Saltwater Crocodile

    3.Polar Bear



    6.Water Buffalo



    9.Striped Hyena

  9. 1. Siberian tiger

    2. Lion on land, croc in water

    3. Polar bear on land, croc in water

    4. Hippo

    5. Polar bear

    6. Water buffalo

    7. Cheetah

    8. Jaguar

    9. Grey wolf

  10. Tiger



    Polar bear





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