
Who would win these matches between these characters from Marvel?

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Ghost rider vs. The Thing

Dare devil vs. Punisher vs. Ice Man vs. Silver Surfer

Spiderman vs. Gambit

Ironman vs. Wolverine vs. Hulk vs. Thor vs. Captain America

I would like to know your opinions. Thanks.




  1. The Thing

    Ice Man


    Wolverine, cuz he can heal right after he gets hurt!!!

  2. The Thing.

    Silver Surfer.



  3. the thing would whoop on ghost rider since im pretty sure that his chains wont do anything against his rock skin.

    Daredevil and Punisher would both lose immediately seeing as how they dont have superpowers of their own and ice man can just freeze both of them and then its a fight between SS n Ice

    SS would then take the fight seeing as how he just isn't a human and is just too uber overpowered

    i wanna say spidey would take this but he just won't gambit is one of the smartest x-men characters (he is very crafty) more so than spidey and would set way too many traps and such for spidey to even have a chance at winning

    this isnt even a fight... sure wolverine can heal but that takes time

    iron man can't do nothin w/o his suit thor and hulk would just destroy each of them immediately

    now a fight between thor n hulk if thor can somwhow finish the fight quickly then he wins but the hulk is very resilient and it will drag on thus hulk becomes stronger and then wins the fight

    ahahahahah HULK SMASHHH  

  4. Ghost Rider vs. The Thing

    Winner: The Thing

    Ghost Rider is the Spirit of Vengeance. He would never attack The Thing unless Ben decided to take a life or some other sin. The Thing would win by default since Ghost Rider would just leave to find a sinner that needs to be punished.

    Daredevil vs. Punisher vs. Ice Man vs. Silver Surfer

    Winner: Silver Surfer

    Once Herald of Galactus (though he is again) and wielder of the power cosmic. Ice Man would freeze up Punisher's guns and leave him open for Daredevil's attack. Ice Man would try to freeze Daredevil, but Silver Surfer would fire one shot to knock him out. Daredevil will try to distract Surfer with a thrown billy club to leave him open for a direct punch, but Silver Surfer would fire one energy shot at DD in midair.

    Spider-Man vs. Gambit

    Winner: Spider-Man

    Spidey would try his webbing first to immobilize Gambit, but Gambit would be crazy enough to charge the webbing to blow up enough to not kill him. He would throw charged cards at him, but Spidey would dodge them like pumpkin bombs. Using his Spider-Sense, Spidey would get closer and plant his foot right into Gambit's face.

    Iron Man vs. Wolverine vs. Hulk. Thor vs. Captain America

    Winner: Hulk

    The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets. Wolverine would take out Iron Man with a quick slash with his Adamantium claws, which can cut anything, yes, that means Iron Man's. Thor will go after Hulk, since they are perfect match. Wolverine would go after Captain America. The battle would be long and both would be teared up, but Wolverine would come out in the end. Hulk and Thor would be the same, but Hulk would beat Thor since Hulk would only get madder and stronger. Now, you would think Wolverine with healing factor would win, but Hulk would keep pummeling him till his Adamantium skeleton would be all bent up (happened once in a What If? issue) and Wolverine would never be able to walk again (his healing factor heals his body, adamantium is not originally in his body so it would not heal).

  5. 1) Ghost Rider would whip Thing into rubble. Seriously, Thing's whole power is "I'm somewhat more durable than an normal human". Ghost Rider would never get into Thing's attack range.

    2) Daredevil and Punisher would be totally screwed. Niether one would last more than a few seconds against character with the power levels of Iceman and Silver Surfer. But I don't think Iceman could do much of anything to Surfer either.

    3) Probably Spiderman. This would be the closest fight, I think. In a lot of ways, this would be like Spidey vs a Green Goblin without the gilder.

    4) Either Hulk or Ironman would win. The deciding factor would be whether Ironman has the capability of launching Hulk into orbit.

  6. Thing

    Tie:Daredevil Silver Surfer


    Tie:Iron Man Wolverine

  7. the thing

    silver surfer

    spider man


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