
Who would you blame for tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? Why?

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Who would you blame for tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? Why?




  1. I would have to with the majority of the answerers here.

    Romeo and Juliet knew of the rift between their families and yet, they still wanted to be together. Where some would find this romantic, it is simply not feesible b/c there would be distention from the start.

    Their deaths could have been avoided if only they had eloped to Vegas and called it a day.

  2. Romeo.  He's the tragic hero.  His tragic flaw (fickleness/moving too fast) leads to his downfall (and takes Juliet down with him).

  3. Romeo and Juliet for "falling in love" when they knew each other for one night. Most likely just physical attraction between two mellow dramatic teens.

  4. I'd blame Romeo and Juliet.  They made stupid choices, stupid mistakes.  They caused their own deaths and it's their fault.

  5. The parents as their bigotry led to the riff between the families.

    Yet R & J are rather impetuous - especially Romeo so he is culpable too.

  6. The apothecary, it was his plan and he did a poor job communicating to  both J and R about the plan.

  7. Society as a whole, the families can be representations for countries, religions and the like. Love knows no boundaries, it is the boundaries set by our bigot societies that forced them to such extreme measures.

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