
Who would you blame?

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in this situation

a married couple has s*x and the husband tapes it

the wife is a celebrity with a pretty good pre and the man and woman have major conflicts and decide to get a divorce the woman doesnt know of the tapes and then the man releases the tapes to the net

in this situation why would anyone blame the woman in this scenerio




  1. he should shoot at sight .

    I'll blame husband it's his evil intention  

  2. I'd blame both of em.' U shouldn't have divorce because of a conflict; this is why Allah says to wait 4 months after your conflicts before divorcing.

  3. strange question, but if the woman was 100% oblivious to the tapes how can she be blamed, although certain celebrities who have had s*x tapes released seem to have done  no harm to there careers, and people have made a fortune. ie, Abi titmuss.

  4. You wouldn't.  If she didn't know she was being taped she should seek legal advice.  Because a couple is married does not give either spouse free reign to commit a crime - and this may very well be considered a crime.  

  5. both of them would be blamed!!

    why would she let him to record, and why did he recorded!!

  6. Both of them should be blamed. However if the woman did not know the husband was recording it, then he is 100% to be blamed.  

  7. I take it the woman did not know about it.

    That's why in Islam it's haram to use modern technology, these kaffir made more ways to commit sin. Astagfar.

  8. What do you mean "doesn't know of the tapes"?  The husband had taped her without her knowledge/consent?  If so that is really wrong on his behalf!  It's better to not engage in the practice of taping private moments for that very reason, you don't know if it will ever be exposed (intentionally or accidentally).

  9. oh it seems the man is to blame if he taped it cause why would any man tape it? its obvious a man would tape it if he has somehting in mind like showing it to other people.. so its his fault.. he should be punished.. and the women is not to blame as it was her husband.. salam

  10. Why did she let him tape it?

  11. i would blame the woman 100%

  12. Both of them , they souldnt have married if marriage was of no point to them.. but it was wrong of the man to tape them ..

    @ Raw , thumbs up!!

  13. Both of them.

  14. Both of them are to blame but i believe that the man is more to blame for releasiang it on the net, because videoing it would have been both their decisions and the man takes it a stupid step further and releases it on the i guess the guy is more to blame den the woman though she also is accountable for it 2.

  15. Why would the woman get blamed? They were married right? Stupid punk did something sooooo wrong. You shouldn't even discuss private relations let along publically broadcast!! He's a daaawg and she's lucky she got away from that scheming so and so.  

  16. Such men are to shooted down to death at sight

    There is no point in telling "Woman should have taken care"..How on earth can she suspect her husband while in love..Well,if both suspect each other,every moment of life,what is marriage all about?????

    uh?Thumbs down!!

    cool,i wonder how will it feel like if every husband and wife in this world make every move in life suspecting each other.Life and especially marriage is all about who breaches trust is the wrong person.

    In this case,not only breaking relationship,that man is bringing bad name to his lady,disgusting..such men deserve no commitment...Same logic hold for women who do the same..

    Go,thumbs me down to h**l

  17. oooohhh thats bad!

    but the husband is at more fault then the wife

    and why did the wife let him tape it?

  18. The husband taped it without her permission, of course it's his fault. And then the dog had the nerve to go and blast it everywhere, that's such a b!tchy thing to do.

    The women ain't to blame, she didn't even know she was being recorded.

  19. if it was without her knowledge and consent then it is a violation of her privacy and it to me only shows how sick and disturbed the husband is.  If they were married then she has nothing to feel ashamed about, except perhaps for her lack of judgment in marrying a man with such poor character.
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