
Who would you choose for President? Mccain or Obama?

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  1. Obama promises change and then he picks and old old Washingtonite for his running-mate. Where is the promised change? Yes, I'll vote for McCain and that lovely lady for VP!

  2. McCain if i could because im only 13 and obama wants to take my moms money and give it to people who cant pay taxes or something like that.

  3. Neither, each one has problems that make them a weak candidate.

  4. McCain because he has wonderful experience, honor, great service to this country and will cut my taxes, lower oil prices, and find alternative ways for energy.  Also, I forgot, I'm a capitalist NOT A SOCIALIST, thank you.  

  5. I actually wanted Hillary Clinton... but that didn't happen. So, for the lesser of two evils, I'm going for Obama. The Alaskan woman is nuts. >.>

  6. Obamo because he can change it

    plus, he will cut taxes

  7. Given those two choices, I would choose Obama.

  8. Obama--no contest, and I am from Arizona!

    It is truly sad and quite scary that people still think McCain has the judgment to be president.  Pull your heads out of the sand!

    I have watched McCain morph into a neocon before my eyes over the Bush years. A maverick--hardly. He has voted with Bush 90% of the time; 95% of the time since 2007. He has displayed no future vision and no ability for critical analysis--I guess someone who graduated 5th from the bottom in a college class of over 800 students wouldn't have that ability. And his pick for Vice President would be a joke if it wasn't such a condemnation on his judgment. A VP nominee who is a neophyte in Alaska--a state that has a total population equivalent to the city population of Tucson or Memphis or Milwaukee. What an insult to all Americans!  McCain is 72 and either a heart attack (given his terrible temper--remember, I am from Arizona and have seen this guy up close and personal for years) or another bout with cancer is inevitable.  Wouldn't a President Palin be quite a sight on the world stage? I wonder if she has ever been out of America.

  9. Obama/Biden '08

    Tax cuts for people who make 250k or less. 

    He will close corporate tax loopholes.

    End corporate welfare.

    End the War in Iraq. 

    Work toward Universal health care. 

    Secure lose nukes. 

    Invest in alternative energies and create green collar jobs. 

    Reduce the impact of Global warming. 

    Take away the oil company handouts.

    Restore the Image of America around the world.

    Work toward getting ever child in this country a world class education.

  10. Obama! he is offering so much change he wants to help Mccain has 7 homes and thinks the economy needs no change.  

  11. In an ideal world, neither. However, I will vote McCain because I am not a socialist .

  12.   I would choose Obamas running mate VP as he is a class act with much intelligence.He could run over mccain in a new york minute as he has his $hit together more than all 3 .

  13. i would choose mccain, because i dont want some inexperianced, socialist running the country. and plus all he wants to do is raise taxes so the people on welfare get better lives. hmm i wonder how much willpower it takes to go out and get a job. whatever, im sorry the BK frier dropped out and started going on welfare for others peoples taxes to b higher.

  14. McCain, somewhat reluctantly.

  15. Obama will not change anything so I won't vote for him.

    McCain has sold out so I won't vote for him.

    Ron Paul is the only candidate for change.  He is the only candidate that can be trusted.

    Anyone who listens to him speak will understand immediately what I mean.  Google some of his speaking on the house floor.

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