
Who would you choose??

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tarvaris jackson or brady quinn?

i say tarvaris jackson




  1. Since Jackson is terrible I would go with Brady Quinn.

  2. gotta go Brady Quinn

  3. i like Brady Quinn cuz im a browns fan but i would have to say jackson also

  4. lol wow, A Brown fan that chooses T-Jack over Quinn?? Never saw that coming. I would choose Brady Quinn, cus Jackson's been a complete flop, and Brady looked good Preseason.

  5. Jackson. He has experience and has definitely shown potential as a player. He's got mobility and a strong arm. A little more tuning of his accuracy, and he could really blossom. As for Quinn, he still has to prove himself.  

  6. Since Jackson has more experience, I'd go with him.  Quinn may turn out to be a bust.

  7. Think about it.  If we are talking about which to choose in a fantasy draft, Jackson might not be a better player, but at least he is the starter!  Brady Quinn is only getting in the game for mop up duty or if Anderson gets hurt.  He is basically useless unless that injury happens.
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