
Who would you give your life for?

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to me any human life is worth protecting as long as long as they have either equal or greater potential to succeed in helping the country as i do




  1. wife...thanks for asking...

  2. How much will you pay for it?

  3. I can say without any doubt that i would lay down my life for my daughter.  

  4. My mom The Goddess

  5. my son, of course. alwaysz.

  6. My Faith to God

    my family

    some one younger than me ♥

  7. I've always thought that about my family. Today, though, I was looking at other people as I was out and about. I realized I could give my life for anyone, because we are all equally important. (Not that I'd be able to go through with it, yet the idea was there. I am also mindful that my presence on earth is important to my husband, children and grandchild.)

  8. Bravery is in the heart, not the brain. My wife is my choice and has been in the past.

  9. I would for my family but if i dont know them then i wouldnt. I know it is selfish but i kind of want to live.

  10. I agree with your response. Id give up my life for someone who would imprint on this world more that i could, or my family and friends. Id definately say my best friend- tis always just been us, or my little brother or sister. I dont think id give up my life for someone whose already lived a life like an older person... i dunno, makes you think doesnt it?

  11. My twin nieces. They are my life...this is the first time I've ever felt this way.  For most people, even the love of my life...I wouldn't give my life for them....but I would for my nieces.  

  12. these are the two most important people in my life. a little boy who is two. i have known him almost since he was born. i met him at a daycare i volunteered for. i would give the world for him. and then theres my best friend who has done so much for me. she was there when i was sad, when i was learning to play trumpet, when i was nervous about the first day of middle school, everything. i would do anything for her to be as happy as shes made me.  

  13. I agree with everyone else. My children and my family are very important to me. Your question made me think of one. Do you think Jesus would have died for ALL of us, IF he knew how the world was going to turn out? I am not trying to preach. I agree that we truly wouldn't know how to react, until we were faced with any situation, that may cost us our life, or the life of someone else.

  14. There is no way to get a legitimate answer until the moment of truth arrives. Many people say things, but then do something else. We all like to think we're brave, but we're not.

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