
Who would you hire first an obese man or an obese woman?

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Who would you hire first an obese man or an obese woman?




  1. It would depend on the job itself and its requirements. If you were needing someone to seal the  inside of heating and air conditioning ducts you would not hire either. If you needed a bar tender, either one, a bouncer the man.

  2. Um well that really depends on what the job is and which one has the right skills ahe best qualifications for that job

  3. I would say an obese man. I find obese women more disgusting than an obese guy.

  4. Why all this discrimination against obesity?

    I would hire people based on their qualifications not their physical appearance and wellbeing.

    It's just like saying i won't hire someone with cancer cause he ain't got discipline

  5. It would depend a lot on what I was hiring them for. If I was hiring them for a job which required going in and out of storage closets then probably neither. I'm not discriminating, it's just they probably wouldn't fit.

    However, if the job involved being in more open spaces, i'd hire the person with the most experience.

  6. No preference. Weight doesn't matter, everybody needs a job.

  7. I would tend to wait until a thin person came along to hire because I find obesity physically nauseating. If they have no job then they cannot buy food to gluttonize on and so would lose weight and then maybe someone would hire them. My experience also teaches me that obese people are very selfish and unreasonable, so I try not to associate with them if I can help it.

  8. yea bein fat don't mean nuthin

  9. Neither. They clearly have a lack of discipline in their personal lifes, and I wouldn't trust them to perform a job with proper discipline either.

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