
Who would you kill if you could...and how?

by  |  earlier

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i'd really like to know.




  1. I wouldn't kill anyone, lol.  

  2. to all the molesters & rapists:

    i would remove their s*x organs and chop off their limbs so that they can do no more harm to their victims.

    i would not let them die but to see how they can survive and suffer with the agony & pains in return for what they could have caused to others.


  3. I know you would, but it's a secret. ;  - )

  4. Simple question....

    Who? Rapists. Those ***** p**s me off.

    How? Here is where the choices really are. I think torture is a pretty good method, but there are just so many wonderous ways to do it, so I'm going to have to go with....the breaking of their extremeties for starters. Then let them heal. And while I'd be at it, why not cut off a good chunk of liek their leg. And cook it for them. They have to eat something, don't they? Then I think I'd resort to the good old fashioned blow torch. No one likes to smell their flesh as it bubbles off their skin. I'd only do part of it though, maybe like in Hostel, remove like one eye that way.

    Now comes the fun part!!

    ....that's right - I'd have them raped. Bit hypocritical, I know, but I think they should know what it feels like to be violated like a horse. Or maybe a donkey. Anything with fur and a big d**k.

    I saw this wonderful medival(sp?) torture device one. It was liek the opposite of the stretcher - it compressed a person until they were literally crushed to death over the course of several hours. That's how I'd finish them off.

    Or maybe I'd break their spinal cord, making sure to do it so they'd be paralyized, and leave them to live....after breakign EVERY bone in their body. And making sure they got a double dose of horse and donkey action.

    There's also the option of strapping them down and finding an animal to eat them. Everyone loves to be eaten alive.

    Ah, the options....

  5. i know who i would kill, but i don't know how. i don't think about ways to kill someone.

  6. The freakin' roadrunner.  

    I would set up good old fashioned TNT.  No seeing mirages of turkey basters with a hot smoking meat dinner over my head, no holding signs that say oops just before falling from a nearby cliff, nope, just cold blooded roadrunner murder.

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