
Who would you like to have dinner with the McCains, Obamas or Clintons?

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Who would you like to have dinner with the McCains, Obamas or Clintons?




  1. Obama, i want to eat fried chicken and drink grape soda with him.

  2. The McCain's. I would know if I sat at a table with either the Clinton's, or Obama's, I would become physically ill, knowing they agree with abortion, the murder of unborn babies, and I'd probably get arrested for smacking the holy F out of all 4 of them.

  3. The McCain's.  I really like the Megan McCain foundation and what it stands for.  I also respect John McCain for his service to our country and I agree with a lot of his stances on the issues, so it would be kinda fun to debate with him about the ones I don't.  

  4. The McCains

  5. As long as the McCains love pizza we're cool!

    It had better be a good one.Not papa johns.

  6. i would love to meet the clintons again. i am voting for Mccain but i am still clinton fans, after all i am from arkansas. but john mccain is a hoot i would love to sit down to dinner with them. not the obamas because i find them rather s****.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I would prefer the Clintons.

  8. The Obamas. They just seem cool and least old lol, I would probably have the most fun with them.  

  9. none of the above. anybody who'd run for president in this country isn't worth half a bucket of warm spit. republican, democrat, whatever. they all stink. phonies.

  10. The Mccains!!  I don't want grape kool-aid and fried chicken is too greasy. And I am sure bill will have michelle for dessert!

  11. the Obamas, hands down.

    Their kids are close enough to mine in age that they'd keep each other amused, and we adults could brainstorm the next four years of policy.  

  12. The McCain's. I'm from a military family and have more in common with them.

  13. The Obamas.  I'm sure they would serve something new and good for dinner.

  14. that all depends on whats for supper... lol  

  15. The Obamas.  They seem really fun and intellectual.  If they were busy, I'd go with the Clintons.  You know Bill would be full of funny jokes.  McCain?  No thanks...

  16. McCains - they will be serving cracked crab and Budweiser.

    The Clintons would be serving a huge serving of crow.

    The Obamas - chittlings, greens, smoked pig ears and watermelon.

  17. Let's see;;  McCain's,  Stare at wifes store bought b*****s...   Obamas,  Michelle glaring at me cause i'm white.   Clinton's,  Pole dancer coming out at any moment..CLINTON'S by a land slide.

  18. McCains...i found recently John has an amusing sense of humor...

  19. I actually think I'd be too intimidated to eat with any of them ... hehe

  20. hmmmm... i think i would just go to the burger king drive through.

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