
Who would you like to see buy Arsenal?

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in a takeover like Man City and Chelsea did




  1. Arsenal will get taken over by Alisher Usmanov, a native Uzbekistan, but a citizen of Russian now. He owns about 24 percent of the club already (through Red & White Holdings, a company with which he is closely associated) and is willing to buy more in the future.  

  2. It's not like Arsenal don't have money to spend it's just Wenger doesn't want to spend it!! I think other clubs would benefit more from it and I don't think Wenger would take advantage of the money would he have it available.

  3. Bill Gates

  4. Being an English club, I would like to see it taken over by an Englishman.

  5. anyone who has the money and the intention to fold the club up.

  6. Some oil rich arab from Abu Dhabi or a central european russian trillionaire

  7. Hopefully no1, all these rich boys who are coming in like man city people and mr.abrumabitch dont have a clue, they jut going for their fantasy teams, but you cant buy trophies.

    The glazers are the best for utd, the let saf spot the players and go for them, unlike city which is just some zliionare probably spotting people on fifa games, getting excited then putting money on their head. why any club would want owners like that is beyond me,

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