
Who would you rather be friends with?

by Guest58822  |  earlier

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A religious person who belittles people for their own pleasure or a Satanist who can strike up friendships with just about anybody?




  1. Def the satan person because i am one s***w the religies.

  2. Satanist. A person's claimed religion doesn't always indicate how they treat others.

  3. wow thats a good question but u switched the personallities

  4. I'd say the Satanist.  I would say that because a religious person who belittles people can't be all that "religious" if we're talking about the Abrahamic religions or Buddhism or Hinduism.  That would kind of go against the grain.  

    I also don't really have problems with Satanist, not that I know any, if they're not you know sacrificing virgins.  I sort of gained interest in Christianity because of the Satan in Milton's "Paradise Lost."  He is indeed a very interesting character, and if you took a close objective look at him you would realize people have much much more in common with Satan than Jesus.

    Good question.

  5. Who wants to be friends with a hypocrite

  6. First of all, religious people aren't idiots ..

    Second of all, I beg to differ with one of the earlier posts ..  there are many religious people who belittle others ...  I actually know religious people who are very hypocritical in the sense that they think their devotion to God (or whatever they worship) gives them some kind of immunity from normal social conduct and moral values of humanity ..  in other words, they feel like their faith gives them the power to say or do whatever they want because belief = forgiveness ...  absolutely not ...

    So to answer your question, I'd rather befriend a Satanist ..  if he/she accepts me for who I am and doesn't question the personal aspects of my life, why should I question theirs?

  7. there is only one logical conclusion there,

    the latter

  8. satanist.  how well someone treats others matters way more than what they profess to believe.

  9. It has to be number 2. religious people are generally idiots anyway in my opinion.

  10. They are both obviously sick spiritually, I could be friends with neither..what i can do is forgive them, and pray that they may find a better way of being humans.

  11. satanist!!!!!!!!!

    i love them.



  12. i don't think someone who is true to there faith would belittle people. i would assume they were hypocrites, calling themselves religious when they don't follow the teachings of the bible. maybe the satanist would be nicce to me and loyal, but i wouldnt want to be friends with someone who hurts other people.

  13. probably the satanist. i really don't have a strong liking for those religious nuts who believe everyone who doesn't believe in their type of worship are satanists themselves.

    - Locke

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