
Who would you rather hang around with, a depressed Christian or a happy Atheist?

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Who would you rather hang around with, a depressed Christian or a happy Atheist?




  1. Atheist.

  2. I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

    That's what Jesus did, after all.

  3. If the depressed Christian was a fountain of knowledge, then there is no contest.

    Happiness can flow from many sources, knowledge only from those in the know.

  4. LOL! Who's this depressed Christian in your life?

  5. Definitely a happy atheist.

  6. ere happy christain ..... oooo no fair a  


  7. Happy Atheist.  I'd like to be around anyone that's happy.


  8. Well, if I'm really twisted and want to see someone commit suicide, I would have to say the depressed Christian.

    However, I don't, so I would pick the happy Atheist. However, most happy Atheists need depressed Christians to be happy, so I might get both... ;-)

  9. A happy  as well as a depressed Atheist, sorry they are a lot more interesting, more open minded, and usually very intelligent

  10. A confused agnostic.  We could share.

    Or a believer in the Flying Spaghetti Monster with a 2nd Edition AD&D game.

    Or a Coyote shaman with a good diet iced tea.

  11. depressed Christian to make them happy

  12. happy atheist

  13. a Happy Christian (I'd rather hang with anyone with a good heart regardless of their religion) ":0)

  14. even though im not for atheinism, (sp?), i would say happy atheist.

    sad christians seem pretty useless.

    and unless the atheist brags on and on about his "faith", i wouldnt mind being around him or her.

    but i wouldnt be hanging around either types anyways.

    but if i had to choose, theres your answer...

    hope i helped. :)

  15. Happy atheist, seeing as I am one myself.

  16. If a christian were 'truly' a christian, nine times out of ten, he would not be depressed.  But aside from that I hang out with the Lord!  My wires don't get crossed that way. :D

    Blessings! :D

  17. A depressed Christian, because i Would make them happy. To tell them that everything is gonna be ok.

  18. The happy atheist. h**l, for that matter, I'd sooner hang around with a depressed atheist than a happy. x-tian. The latter would never shut up about Jesus and being saved.

  19. Happy atheist.

  20. im an atheist.i wud be happier wid a company of a gud atheist than a gud obviously in this case,if the atheist is sweet hearted,i ll hang out wid him/her.i wudnt like hangin out wid anyone who s a fake or evil by heart though he s happy.

  21. It may well be, it is a pointless association.

    They both, could be wrong or individually they both could be right.

    As far as emotion is concerned, the depressed Christian could suicide by O.D, whilst praying to his/her pointless God.  

    The Happy Atheist could, willingly or accidentally, drink or O.D  himself to death.


  22. Joy and depression are both at least slightly contagious, so I'd prefer the happy atheist.  Of course, it helps that I'm also a happy atheist myself.  :-)

  23. Well, for one, are you trying to say, that Atheists are always upset/depressed,

    and that Christians are bright and cheery people?

    Because for one, my friend is a christian, and she is always depressed.  Its some sort of disorder.

    I am an Atheist, and im very happy all the time.

    But anyways, I'd hang out with both.

    One to cheer up the depressed Christian.

  24. happy atheist, i'm christian.

  25. Both appreciate the difference

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