
Who would you rather hang out with: an atheist or a theist?

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And don't say "it depends...". You have no choice but to pick one or the other. You have no idea who your choices are, only that one is a theist and one is an atheist. That is all the information you have and you HAVE to choose one. Give your reasons why.

Don't even bother answering if you're gonna say both or neither.




  1. I'd rather hang out with you Damien! :P

  2. quit asking baited're presenting a single dimensional "choice" to a multidimensional decision

  3. Atheist, of course.  Why would I want to hang out with a neurotic, delusional bigot?

  4. If that is all I have to go on I'll pick the atheist.

  5. Atheist.

  6. Most probably a theist, as we could discuss our beliefs. As far as I understand it, an atheist doesn't have any beliefs. I would enjoy discussion more with someone who has a belief in SOMETHING.

  7. I cant choose who to hang with simply by what they believe

    that is a ridiculous choice to give someone

  8. A theist because we could have an interesting debate, my atheist friends are no fun to strike up an argument with.

  9. An atheist. He/she wouldn't get as offended as a theist.

  10. Atheist.

    They have far more respect for the Original Gospel and the "Golden Rule." Theists seem to be attracted to dark things, such as the crucifixion.... which is a real red flag to me, since even Jesus himself was speaking of the crucifixion in terms of Bad News for Mankind. More on my bio.

  11. well, if i am to choose whom to hang out with, i would definitely pick a "THEIST"... well, if you are a believer of God and is a Christian or whatever kind of believer, then you you may enjoy his or her presence, sharing the same philosophy and principles in whatever situation you can and may encounter... but if you aren't the kind of person who have not yet figured out if God exist, then this person will actually contribute to you spiritually and morally...

    a theist can be right most of the time in making a decision even though they commit sin.  they have this wisdom that not all people has. having someone around who knows God and loves God can be a very fulfilling thing. you'll discover that everything in this world is all about Faith..all about HIM..

    Good day...

    i hope my simple and not-so-convincing answer will help...

    God bless you more... =)

  12. Theist. Easy conversation starter. :)

  13. It does not matter to me as long as they do not push their beliefs on me.

    <<<Don't even bother answering if you're gonna say both or neither.>>>>


  14. Surprise me.

    But seriously, don't you think atheists will choose an atheist and theists will choose a theist? Seems obvious to me.

    Edit: The next four answers after mine are not serious answers. I'm stickin' to my story.

  15. You are not the boss of me.

  16. Well, for the record, I think this is one of the more trivial characteristics on the scale of determining who's more likable.

    But, I would pick a theist, simply because I have more to say to them.  

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