
Who would you rather have Sleep with: Hillary Clinton, Roseanne Barr, or Ann Coulter?

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Okay, say that there is a supreme overlord who wants to destroy the earth. You pleade for him to spare us, so he makes you a deal. You have to have to sleep with and make out with one of the following women:

Hillary Clinton

Ann Coulter

Roseanne Barr

For the females:

Flavor Flav

George W. Bush

Karl Rove

Who would you choose and why? And no, you can't say " Neither, because i would kill myself and let the world be destroyed." Just try to answer the question as best you can...




  1. the earth has been saved! there is only one and that is ann coulter.she is the only one i could stand to be in the same room with and would be more than happy to make with her.what a babe!beautiful and smart as opposed to those other two.

  2. If anyone has to sleep with either of those people this world is going to die!

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