
Who would you rather have as NSCS champion this year?

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Who would you want to win?

Kyle Busch or Clint Bowyer

I'd pick Clint Bowyer all the way!




  1. Kyle Busch because he has the ability!

  2. Bowyer

  3. Kyle..

  4. I'd like to see Bowyer win it and bring home a cup for RCR. It's been a long time for them

    I think what's GOING to happen is that Kyle will take it. He has 8 wins and has been very consistent in his finishes. That's ok though cause after a year like he's had, he deserves it.

    I don't even have a favorite driver. I just like to watch the racing.

  5. Kyle  you win 8+ races you deserve it and also let moaners and groaners Toyota is here to stay


  7. I'd pick anyone over Mr. 18 so I guess Bowyer. I am a fan of his anyway.  

  8. Clint Bowyer

  9. Clint has the personality of a tissue.  I'd take 27 other drivers over him.  He bores me.

    I forgot to add he's just not that good.     Why the h**l would would any sport want an inferior athlete as a champion?  Sounds to me you're just crying the "Rowdy Blues".

  10. I want to see the driver that, at the end of the last race of the season, has the most points win it! He deserves it!


  11. Clint Bowyer, he doesn't seem to be cocky or conceeded, he is on a great team, and I just can't stand Kyle Busch's attitude.  Even though he is a heck of a driver...........CLINT BOWYER!! should win.

  12. That is a stupid queston.  Everyone is pulling for there favorite driver.  You must hate kyle busch if you are comparing him to Bowyer.  I like kyle and clint equally.  

  13. Too bad Clint won't even make the Chase. Kyle deserves it though, Clint needs a couple more years under his belt, he's still too inconsistent.

  14. Sorry.  Kyle Busch.

  15. I would love to see Clint As the NSCS champion, but I highly doubt that is going to happen this year.  

  16. Clint Bowyer but it more than likely not happen.

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