
Who would you rather have as your closer for the remainder of the year, Kerry Wood or Huston Street?

by Guest67042  |  earlier

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I am trying to make a deal for one of these guys. Kerry is looking good, but I am not sure if he is durable.




  1. Street is nursing a groin right now and Wood seems to be healthy.  Street is the NO.1 guy in Oakland no matter what.  If Wood slips up, Marmol or Howry can become the closer FAST.  Also, Wood can get hurt just walking to the lavatory!!!  Street is younger and his groin should be fine.  They had him warming up tonight as the Yanks had a short lived 3 run rally in the ninth inning of a 8-1 game.  8-4 was the final and Street didn't pitch though.

    Get Street.....

  2. I would keep Wood, true he has had every injury known to man, but Street has not been a picture of health lately either. Plus the Cubs are a much better team which leads me to believe that Wood will get more opportunities. If you do get Wood, just know that if he goes down Marmol will be the next closer, they are grooming him for that role now. Truth be told he has better stuff than Wood, just not the experience.

  3. Kerry wood

  4. I would ratehr have Kerry Wood.  Yes, his durability as the season goes on is suspectable, but he is playing on a better team rite now--a team that will get him more save cahcnes.  And for closers thats all u shiould really look at.

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