
Who would you rather have taking the game winning shot for your team. Baron Davis or Gilbert Arenas?

by Guest57130  |  earlier

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Who would you rather have taking the game winning shot for your team. Baron Davis or Gilbert Arenas?




  1. Abachi

  2. They are both really clutch but i would have to go With B.Diddy just because i cant remeber him missing a shot when the game was on the line with the warriors. Game Winner include against the world Champion Celtics (without Stephen Jackson), The western Conference Champs the Lakers. He did it gainst the two best teams this year.

  3. Gilbert he's a monster but so iz baron... I aint even sure

  4. Baron Davis. ONLY because Gilbert isnt fully recoverd from his injury yet. with out the injury, it would be arenas hands down

  5. Gilbert Arenas for sure he has hit SOOO many buzzer beaters its unbelievable if he stays healthy he is top 5 PGs in the NBA. Gilbert can shoot from anywhere on the court and doesn't miss that often.

  6. Baron Davis, just because I'm a warriors fan & he's made the winning shot for us a couple of times. haha.

  7. GILBERT...hands down

  8. gilbert arenas because have you seen the shots he has made in his career!!

  9. Hibatchi(Gilbert)-duh

  10. Agent 0

  11. Baron davis

  12. Niether i would want kobe taking the last shot

  13. i would say baron cuz hes had more experience in the clutch department

  14. Baron Davis is known to have been a better clutch shooter, especially under heavy pressure.

  15. Baron Davis did you see the game winners he did this year like against the Lakers the three in December

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