
Who would you rather look at Mechelle Obama or Sarrah Palin?

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That is pretty much a no brainer, it is kind of like asking who would you rather look at Cindy McCain or Janet Reno.




  1. it's michelle and sarah. learn how to spell before posting your non politically based questions.

  2. Michelle has buck teeth like mine when you look at her side view, besides that she continually runs her tongue over her top upper teeth and gums, very annoying.  Palin looks great for a mom with five kids, one born just months ago.  I pick Palin.

  3. First of all, what does the physical appearance of either woman have to do with anything? Secondly, you can't spell.

    Michelle Obama isn't running for office, so why are you comparing the two? I don't care how either of them looks, but I'd rather LISTEN to Michelle Obama, since you want a comparison between the two.

    **Whatever loser called Michelle an ugly, racist mammy--your comment was beyond racist, idiot!

  4. I guess in your world there is no room for people to have different opinions other than yours?  That's kind of odd.  Wonder why God didn't make us all exactly like you then?

  5. I would prefer if John G would learn how to spell!

    I don't care what their wives look like, I care which isn't a r****d who rode his dad's coattails to the Naval Academy and finished 5th from the bottom.  The only place I don't mind having someone dumber than me in charge of me is at work!  P.S. I hope my boss isn't reading this!

    Obama '08, thank you Sarah Palin, it's over!

  6. I would rather women's value not center around their looks.

  7. Yeah, it's no where near the same as Cindy and Janet.  

    Michelle is an attractive woman and actually has aged better than Sarah IMO.  

  8. maturity has left the building. Go republicans!

  9. The question is shallow and pointless !

  10. Unlike your genius party, we don't focus on looks - colors and flashing lights are for infants...and the mentally challenged.

  11. Palin foe sure Mechelle is ugly

  12. Palin will have doo doo all over her by the end of the week.

    and Michelle not Mechelle, will look even more gorgeous.

  13. Learn how to spell. Its Michelle and Sarah. I would rather look at Michelle. She's a better speaker, more educated, and uniquely beautiful. Sarah's come a dime a dozen, blah LOL.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008!!! ;-)

  14. Sarah Palin!!! by far!!!

    Michelle Obama looks so stuck up im surprised she doesnt have arrogant stamped on her nose.

  15. Would you rather vote for a beauty queen or an intelligent person who respects the constitution?

    Would you rather fight a war with a country that never harmed us or take a vacation?

    Would you rather have coffee and discussion in Iran or bomb it?

    Please refrain from insipid quesitons?  

  16. Michelle Obama

  17. mrs obama and janet reno

    you're right about no brain in the other choices

  18. Don't care much. There are way too many unrealistically beautiful people on TV as it is. It's a good thing this isn't a high school election, right?

  19. i'd rather look at jessica alba, but I'm not gonna vote her for vice-president

  20. sarah!!

    michelle is fuuuuuuuuuuugly!

  21. Palin is kinda chunky. So Michelle.

  22. Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain.

    F Sarah Palin and Janet Reno.

  23. How these women look is not even important. Michelle Obama just happens to be smart and pretty. I'm sure under all that makeup and big hair Sarah Palin's not half bad.

  24. Sarah Palin!  She's got that s**y librarian look going on.  Michelle Obama, not so much.

  25. I don't really think looks are important in this election but I had a government professor who said that a LOT of people vote for a president based on looks.  I have actually witnessed this phenomenon when reading Yahoo! Answers because many little girl voters think Obama is cute and worth having as a president versus the old and wrinkly McCain.  

    Anyway, I am answering your question because I just have to add that Michelle Obama looks as if she was the result of a bad lab experiment.  I get the heebies when I see her on television.  That's sad and very petty of me to say but I just can't help it.  As far as your comparison of Cindy and Janet....that was just funny.  

  26. No fair.

  27. Michele is a natural beauty & so intelliegent & decent. Palin reminds me of that air head women yelling out at a game but has no clue about how to do anything else.

  28. well i would like to keep my eyes intact so mechelle obama all the way

  29. Sarah Palin is a beautiful better not get me started in that angry, racist mammy.

  30. Wow, you know there are people who have another opinion than you. I would rather look at Palin, but Im not sexist in the matter, I just think she is nice looking.  

  31. I'm guessing you're the type of person who would take whatever they could get.

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