
Who would you rather serve under while in the armed forces, Obama or McCain?

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Who would you rather serve under while in the armed forces, Obama or McCain?




  1. id feel safer with hubby serving under mccain


  3. Obama because I'd know their would be an end to Iraq.....

  4. McCain

  5. McCain without a doubt.

  6. the one that does his research before sending us to war

  7. McCain all the way.  When it comes to the military and fighting the Dems scare the heck outta me.

  8. Obama

  9. Obama. McCain scares the c**p out of me, and I'm retired Army. His attitude towards service members can best be described in terms of how a carpenter looks at nails.

    Renegade - you do realize that a Democrat was in the White House for World War II, right?

  10. Don't matter neither of them will make the military any different.  

  11. It wouldn't matter. I served under seven Presidents. I survived James Earl Carter, Jr.'s term in office. I could survive if the junior Senator from Illinois is elected President. Civilians deal in personalities. Military people deal in following the orders of the person. They see it as the Office of the President. Not whose tush is in the chair.  

  12. Obama , he seems like a smart man.

  13. McCain.

    Obama is a sneak and I can't stand him. I actually thought maybe he was ok, when I listened to his speech in Germany then I thought, hang on-you're telling us all that the world is suddenly going to be a peace with one another, that all problems are going to be solved just because your president-without ever giving an explanation of HOW he's going to achieve it. He doesnt give a c**p about our troops. He ignored them when he arrived, only spoke to them when the cameras were rolling [this comes from a soldier on the ground in Afghanistan who witnessed it] and he didn't see the wounded in Germany. I won't be joining the army if that douche is commander in chief.

  14. Obama, because he seems to care more about the people.

  15. no contest mccain..former marine

  16. Obama because it seems the Republicans are using his ideas any way

    first high level talks with Iran now today a time table for leaving Iraq

  17. McCain. GO MARINES! OohRah!

  18. McCain

    Democrats are always bad news for the military


  20. McCain definitely  

  21. At least with Obama, you know that your life wouldn't be put in danger based on lies and deception, over some pissant like Saddam.

  22. either one sounds good.

    obama  claims that he will pull out of the east and that the oil war is unnecessary. not to say we will not pull out, being that we are still rehabilitating a economy; as well as, fighting tyranny and middle east gangs. but our mission for fighting for oil will be dissolved.

    with mcCain, he claims that we need to immediately increase our harvesting of local resources, including offshore oil drilling and nuclear power. also, if you look at who mcCain associate with, it is all the local oil and power tycoons...aka, we will probably be pulling out of the east in search of oil and diving into our own resources. but again both candidates are going to be obligated despite what they say to continue fighting for freedom over in the east. we have already invested enough money and time, that we will finish what we have started and can not afford to just pull out now.

    i like mcCain for his political liberal values, but i hate how old he is, and beyond any young persons perspective. but i also like obama for the fact that he is urging for socialized health care. the united states need to look after its people. we pay some of the highest taxes, and get almost nothing back. obama also seems to be pushing for higher school budgets and wants to clean up ghettos and slums. but he has proven to me(as a non-racist single white 23yr old male), to be a bigot, and carry the 'under privileged' perspective of some african americans. i think that he has become a puppet of his reverend, and of the media, and  is unfortunately now running to be the first african american president instead of just running to be a good president and help the country as a whole...

    im sorry, i really started to rant... id go for

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