
Who would you rather take fishing? Ned or Barney?

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You are going out on your own boat and need a little company. So who do you invite? Ned Flanders or Barney Grumble. (Simpson show bit players) Which is more annoying... Getting out-fished by the good guy who talks too much or the guy who will drink every last drop of beer you bring along and be of no use in helping you dock at the end of the day. Homer is not in really in the running. Why would you pick that fishing partner?




  1. lol - random question....i would go with NEd Flanders.  Although i am a bit bias...i am a Christian.

    Hes a good guy!

  2. Barney without a doubt!

    Ned is too goodie goodie for me

    I bet his burping would actually attract more fish..............

  3. ned of course. he's a lefty and i'm a righty. it would be easier on a boat for casting.

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