
Who would you say is the most intelligent of the Human Race?

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And what Nationality




  1. probably me. or bill cosby.

  2. Women,and if youre reading this darling i hope you got my rolex for tomorrow.

  3. have to be them jews.

  4. the politicians, because they lie and do it so well, to millions of people. Propoganda, dictators. How did Bush convince The US to war with Iraq?

  5. I am going with Buddhist.  they seem to be the only ones who understand that you get more flies whit sugar then with vinegar. to bad  seem to be the only ones. And as we see in Tibet that is not a very strong way to think.

  6. This is an impossible question to answer. How do you measure "intelligence"? There are so many facets to intelligence, of which some people are stronger in one, others are stronger in another. And the intelligence-test has yet to be devised which isn't culturally-biased, so there is no way to use one measuring-instrument cross-culturally with valid results.

    Are we speaking of individuals? I'd suggest Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci.

  7. those that play music

  8. i dont like this question. some guys are smarter than some women, and vicesa versa

  9. Asian maybe.

  10. Really really smart people?

  11. the ones who are purple

  12. I'd say we are all - just different talents.

  13. not me not the governments they mess up to often and are only int rested in what they can make so perhaps the only clever ones on this sad earth are the animals they don't go around destroying what they don't understand i hope this helps have a happy christmas

  14. Stephen Hawking? He's English I think...

  15. i like cheese

  16. Men are stronger physically but women are stronger mentally.

  17. Canadians. They love Hockey, Understand that different people can live in harmony. Have found a way to name a college football championship every year. They have a football game with a natural dozen players on a metric field with decent end zones. Plus they understand a rouge.

  18. Me. The Jocks are the cleverest by far.

  19. Philosophers?

  20. Me

    Massambula 5 has spoken

  21. The fellow that sweeps floors.  Usually live simple lives.  Let's get back to the basics of life...........

  22. Madeline Vos Savant?

  23. In Plato's and Aristotle's dialog Atlantis was sad to be one of the most advanced but not as advanced to now how stable the foundation was our when the next Volcano was going to be

  24. Absolutely Women....most of them anyway!

  25. me

  26. I am.

  27. me?

  28. Women of course!

  29. Are you referring to gender or race? Intelligence is measured in different ways and I believe everyone has some degree, they just express it differently than others and to different degrees. Germans on a whole are engineers, Indians mathematicians, Italians socialogists. Generalizing is hard to do when referring to human intelligence because we all are capable of many different things.

    If you are referring to an individual you've got me. I'm sure there is a janitor out there with a Mensa equivalent of 150 and no one knows about it. I tested while in the Air Force because the powers to be thought there was something wrong with me. After three tests and a lot of head scratching they told me I scored a 148. Before I took these tests I had no idea, I really thought I was average and you know what. I still do, I am still making mistakes and occasionally act like the village idiot. I don't believe IQ makes the person. The only good that came out of the imposed mental examination is the fact that I realized I was smart enough to go to college and I did. I say again IQ is inherently irrelevant when it comes to people as we are all created equal in the final analysis.

  30. Men

  31. Well this is a very easy question to answer. I am the most intelligent human on earth, there are few aliens that have a few more IQ points then me. You are talking about earth, right? Then yes, it is me.

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