
Who would you say was the better president Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton?

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And why?




  1. Without any shadow of a doubt Bill Clinton was mush better.

  2. Reagan!  

  3. Here's a simple economic reason to choose Bill Clinton as the better president:

    Bill Clinton left office with a 200+ billion dollar surplus. Ronald Reagan left office with a 200+ billion dollar deficit. Funny how Reagan called himself "fiscally conservative" isn't it? Yet Bill Clinton was referred to as a "tax and spend liberal."

    side note: Bush #1 was fiscally conservative and left office with a 300+ billion dollar deficit. Bush # is leaving office with a 482+ billion dollar deficit....McCain calls himself fiscally conservative...Vote Obama!

  4. Ronald Reagan.  It is already well documented why.. just read.

    Bill Clinton will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.

  5. Clinton.  

  6. Ronnie was a human being.  

  7. Reagon!

  8. reagan! i totally wish i had been alive while he was president!

  9. Clinton.  No boom and bust, and more done for those who are less able to look after themselves.

  10. Clinton. He was a better man.

  11. Clinton.  Easy choice.

  12. Ronald Reagan.

    He loved his country and everything she stands for.

  13. Clinton.

    Lying to Congress is technically not treason.

    Missiles to Iran was.

    Aid and comfort to the enemy.

  14. reagan hands down

  15. Reagan - purely for the reason that he wore his heart on his sleeve and loved his country.  Clinton on the other hand was a lawyer, and as we know on this side of the pond lawyers don`t make good politicians!!

  16. Willie was the better President because Willie believed in a balanced budget while Ronny was a spendaholic.

    --I remember Ronny unlike other Gen-X'er 30 year old children who worship the moron.  Ronny was one of the worst and most pathetic leaders the world has ever known and Supply Side Economics is the reason why this country is now losing all of its Industry.

  17. Bill Clinton.  He was far more effective economically and he raised people out of poverty.  Bill Clinton turned Ronald Reagan's monstrous deficit into a surplus, which the next Republican after Clinton squandered.  The Reagan administration cared nothing for the poor and working class.


  19. reagan...he loved our country and did his best to get us in a good place...clinton..loved women..thats all i remember about him..and he cut the military

  20. Personall I prefer Bill Clinton. I share his taste for women flavored cigar

  21. Reagan was the great one of our time. Booming economy (so good that Clinton road on it's coat tails). Was one of the major players in bringing down the Soviet Union (ie the threat of Communism), strengthened our military. (See Heritage link for more).

    Clinton legacy: Bombed an aspirin factory to show Saddam whose boss. I forget how many al Qaida attacks he did nothing in response to, but they included an embassy and a Navy ship. Attacked Romania without any prior attack or agreement by the UN. Disgraced the nation by being impeached. But he could make a stirring speech and played a good saxophone.


    no comparison. he was the peoples president. He was well spoken, loved his country, knew what needed to be done, and wasnt afraid to do it. Under Reagan we prospered, under clinton we were sold.

    Reagans Approval ratings TOTALLY shadow clintons, no comparison.

    he helped end the cold war. Clinton hid from obama

  23. Well. let's see, Jr..... how about comparing George Washington and Pee Wee Herman??? When Reagan toook office, we had a Country in fear of terrorists, interest rates were at an all time high: 23%, the American spirit had been broken.... He restored America's very heart...... took a failing economy and opened the path of prosperity to ordinary Americans. The American dream, once thought to be buried so deep that it would never be resurected, was indeed brought back to life. Reaganomics proved to be the most profitable ideology and America was once again the powerhouse to be reconed with. He single "mindedly " brought Russia to her knees........

        Clinton smoke cigars as well as doing "other" things with them..... stole furniture and let's see...... let the terriost who master-minded 9/11 out of prison.... What'cha think???

  24. see their post and should not see the individuals.  see their work to the people as a president.  in this aspect, in every nation all superiors have plus and minus.  This is according to the circumstances and situations.  No president will do negative to his own people.  and therefore both are better, because they are the presidents of a great nation in the world.

  25. Without a doubt, Ronald Reagan.  Billy Bob gat a lot of good people killed and had a lot of people killed, I think the number is 42 to be exact.

  26. Reagan.    This speech of his says it all.

  27. Reagan was so much better, his VP was easily able to ride his coattails into office.  Clintoons VP wasn't exactly happy to have Clintoon even help campaign for him, he didn't have the same wave of popularity to ride.

  28. I think Clinton is more popular currently, but high popularity does NOT mean he was better. I think Reagan was actually better because I think he did more for the country long term than Clinton did.

    I think a lot of good economic confluences and a relatively low number of military conflicts under Clinton made him appear to create an era of peace and prosperity, but I think Reagan dealt--and dealt well--with tougher world issues, made larger domestic changes in government policy, and had more decisions with a longer term ramification. I don't fully agree with or blindly support either, but in a long-term ramification and degree of difficulty and change while in office way, Reagan was hands-down the better president.  

  29. Reagan was obviously better than Clinton.

    I'd be interested in only those who are in their mid  to late 20's to tell me different. Most who will say Clinton, were only stains on their parents bed sheets when Reagen was President.  

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