
Who would you trust to lead a large scale military attack on Iran: Bush, McCain, or Obama.

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  1. In the event of a war, there is no need of a large scale military attack.  Simply blockade the ports, and Iran, which has little refining capacity of its own, would have to sue for peace -- or starve.

  2. Obama he Won't lie to us and he will listen to his Generals

    Not bush he didn't listen to his Generals

    and Mcsame did most of his military career as a POW

  3. if I had to pick it would be McCain but I would hope our next president would leave it to a general.  Obama would be the worst by far, as far as military matters go I don't trust that guy as far as I can throw him.  Bush... eh I know a dead horse when I beat it.

  4. Actually Israel

  5. bush- no he ruins everythin

    mccain- probably cuz hes expereinced and aggressiv

    obama-no cuz he is the opposite of mccain

  6. McCain.  

    Bush has not shown much ability to do the right thing.

    Obama has ZERO military experience and would be worse than Bush.

    McCain has 22 years military experience,  has been in combat and has been a POW.   You can bet he will do all it takes to keep the troops from becoming POWs.    

  7. I am going to have a say an unnamed general. We may call the President the Commander and Chief, but he does not make the strategies or implement the battle plans. Bush and McCain may have been naval officers in a different age, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are good strategists. No matter who is President I just hope they have the good sense to listen to the generals when making war becomes an inevitability.

  8. Actually France and Israel are going to handle that, while we placate greater russia

  9. John McCain is a complete and well-formed man he would do will if an attack was nessarry.

    Barack Obama is completing himself. As he moves to fit what he perceives to be a right-of-center country, he distances himself from the simple and authentic passion of a young candidate who once pledged "Change We Can Believe In."  Someone is clearly pulling the strings to this puppet Obama and that group of people will not put up with being the ones to lose in any war.  Another words they can say they would pull out but at the same time they say poor more into Afganistan...  So speaking about Iran if it were to happen...  They would also have no problem attacking... But McCain is more decisive and has more experience....

  10. chuck norris

  11. McCain without a doubt.

    He's tough and has military experience.

  12. I'll take McCain and Benjamin Netanyahu.

  13. None of them.  I would trust a General

  14. it is coming...Iran is seen to that...

  15. None, because I don't support an attack on Iran at all.

  16. I would trust none of them. Not to mention, I am completely against an attack on Iran.

  17. None i dont trust them not after the things ive seen for my self in iraq

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