
Who would you want as President if this were to happen?

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Let's say a month before the general election, NASA scientists announce that a comet is on an intercept course with the earth and is big enough to cause the total destruction of mankind. They say the comet will hit the earth in 10 years, which is enough time to stop it if we start right now.

Which candidate do you think would be able to galvanize the world against this threat, and why?




  1. McCain wouldn't care because he'll be dead long  before then.

    His mission is to start WW 3 before he dies.

  2. Lets really doesn't matter.

  3. Bruce Willis.

  4. McCain ,then we can die sooner than 10 years  

  5. no debate.. they could use some of the 20,000 or so nukes to create shockwaves to steer it clear of the earth...

    these are icbms.. they clear the earths atmosphere wouldnt take much to make them say.. go to the moon.. or to some incoming asteroid.

  6. lol  What?

    The President wouldn't have to "galvanize" anything!   I pretty sure most people won't want to die.

    Mickey Mouse could be President and it wouldn't change anything. The world's scientists would solve it.

  7. Any of them two, I think.

  8. Well it seems to me that the comet would have to be blown to bits before it got to earth.  Obama doesn't want weapons, so that just leaves McCain.

  9. Al Gore, Bill Clinton or my girl, Hillary.

    Obama will do just fine though.

  10. No problem we would just borrow the money from China. Then Congress would dither for the next 9 and a half years deciding what to do about the thing at which point it would be too late except for Haliburton to get a no bid contract from our government to sell us all ear plugs and goggles. So if I were you I wouldn't worry about a thing.

  11. Quite obviously Obama. A problem like this requires world wide action. I live in Canada and everyone I know here despises McCain and would prefer to do our own thing if McCain was leading the world effort. As well, Obama is a much wiser man, he finished as high in his graduating class as McCain finished low in his.

    Short Answer: Obama

  12. Obama Mccain would not be able to remember when it was going to come.  

  13. Obama.  Because McCain will use up too much money on war.  

  14. well hummmm obama hummmmm hummmm hummm hummmm must build hummmm hummm hummm hummm hummm hummm a coalition hummmmm hummmmm hummm hummm hummmmm hummm of hummmm hummmmm hummmm hummmm hummm countries hummmmm hummmmmm hummmmm hummmmm huummmmm willing hummmm hummmmm hummmmm hummmm to negoiate hummmmmmm hummmmmmm hummmm hummmmm hummmm hummmmmm hummm with hummmmm hummmm hummmmm hummmmm hummmmm hummmm hummmm the comet hummmm hummmm hummmm

  15. Obama.  

    McCain would be lost in the techno talk that would be taking place.

  16. ralph nader

  17. Obama hands down!  All he'd have to do is stand out there in his flowing robes out on the South Lawn - raise his hands & say: "Be gone thou harbringer of death!"  all while he goes on about change to the reporters...

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