
Who would you want to become king, Prince Charles or William?

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Obviously Charles is next in line to the throne, but what if you could choose?.




  1. uhhhh....both...

  2. Prince Harry would be better.

  3. harry

  4. Charles. He is the rightful heir. Prince William will become King in due time.

  5. I think William, i like him. Charles will take the throne cos it's what he was born to do. Although  he did get divorced himself and then married another divorcie, so really he shouldn't take the throne!(by tradition)

  6. The Prince Charles of Wales. Let's not judge someone based on his personal life, but, what he did for his country, and what he can do for his country when he is King. Prince Charles has put a lot of time and effort into his royal duties, which he carries throughout the year. Consider the numerous of charity events he had participated. Recently, Charles is to launch his own campaign to persuade shoppers to turn away from plastic carrier bags. Prince Charles has long been known as the most eco-friendly member of the Royal Family, installing energy-saving measures in his homes and lobbying the international community on climate care initiatives, and persuading others go to "Green" as well.

  7. i would chose william not 2 keen on charles.

  8. We can't have Harry as King so there is no point in preferring him.  As far as I care about anything regarding Royalty Charles does not deserve to be King, his behaviour regarding his marriage to Diana was despicable.

  9. William, definitely. I agree, Charles has shown the world his true cheating character, and I don't think he is fit for the throne.

    LOL - I'd rather have King Jen and Queen Kira on the throne. (See left.)

  10. prince charles

  11. Ooh, man would charles be annoyed if he missed out on being King!

    I would want William. It would be good to have a young King, although i doubt William would see it like that.

  12. Charles, no question.

  13. Don't think any of them are fit to run a bath never mind anything else.

  14. Charles, Williams turn will come eventually. Look how long Charles has been waiting.

  15. I agree that Harry should be next in line but he doesnt want to be king.. so I dont know Charlie or William is fit.. Charlie would have more experience

  16. Charles is totally inept which is why the Queen is still sitting on the throne instead of turning it over to Charles who has been groomed for this since birth but has proven himself unfit; Harry is a total disaster and really the only one with good judgment and intelligence, morals, decency, etc is William.

  17. I'm against the monarchy so neither.

  18. Charles is next in line so there is no choice

  19. Would you want someone who aspired to be a human tampax to be your king? We will be a laughing stock.

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