
Who writes luck and destiny of man?

by  |  earlier

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God does not write luck and destiny of man because had it been so poor, illiterate, houseless peoaple, wearing rags people coud have been in all the countries. God never discriminates. We should try to go deep into this questionn.




  1. I believe you should transfer that rant to the R&S section.

  2. Yeah1 ur rit!

    God dosen't write the luck and destiny of man. It's only man who writes his own destiny! Only the actions which we do,

    decides our luck!

    Only the goals which we take up decides our destiny!

    It's not god but us who decide our luck and destiny, thus!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Yes you are right. God does not write. It is one's own actions that reflect now or later in one's life. It is called Karma theory. One reaps what he has sown earlier, that is all.

  4. The worst bankrupt in the world is, the man who has lost his enthusiasm.

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