
Who wrote a code of law that stated "an eye for an eye"?

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I am doing global civics homework and I need help and I have many more questions I will be posting more soon so if you dont mind taking a look at them.




  1. This originally showed up in the bible as an injunction against excessive punishment.

  2. The phrase "an eye for an eye", (Hebrew: עין תחת עין‎) is a quotation from Exodus 21:23–27 in which a person who has taken the eye of another in a fight is instructed to give his own eye in compensation. At the root of the non-Biblical form of this principle is the belief that one of the purposes of the law is to provide equitable retaliation for an offended party. It defined and restricted the extent of retaliation. This early belief is reflected in the Code of Hammurabi and in the laws of the Hebrew Bible .

  3. This early belief is reflected in the Code of Hammurabi and in the laws of the Hebrew Bible


  4. God through Moses

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