
Who wrote "To care so much for one who gave but smallAnswers to love, but gave them ..... Completely"?

by  |  earlier

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To care so much for one who gave but small

Answers to love, but gave them, after his kind,

Completely - wild with pleasure in the giving.

To grieve so much, when he, whom he had whistled

Out of his cramped, regretless, primitive world,

Harked back, before his time, to brutal dying.

To want so much that somehow (life gone by)

This brief encounter, by the world forgotten,

Should somewhere be remembered - and be valued -

And hold one spark through all the blaze of being

And, humbly, be. WHO WROTE THIS POEM?




  1. Please allow me to be the first, if not the last, to say you just did!

    If you want to know the source of this poem, you are bound to find suitable websites to explore by entering the first line on a Google search.

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