
Who wrote the speech that Sarah Palin is reading?

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EDIT: I think I read the name of the speechwriter in USA Today




  1. It's amazing how sexism arises among liberals once women's rights stops being convenient for their own interests.  

  2. A CFR globalist.

  3. Sarah wrote her was a big deal

  4. Apparently no one with a brain, maybe Dan Quayle

  5. A children's author... or someone who writes for the Care Bears.

  6. Why can't you believe she did?

    Do you have so little confidence in the intelligence of American women?

  7. Her daughter. The one that's smoothing the baby's hair over with her spit.

  8. I think it was her youngest daughter Piper.  

  9. Leno

  10. Apparently the baby with down syndome...or maybe the 5 y/o daughter whos l*****g her hands and rubbing the baby's hair


    DAMNIT You beat me to it Crazy Angel!!

  11. hmm, same speech writer who write barack's?  

  12. lieberman

  13. They announced before her speech that the first speech was written with a man in mind. When Palin was chosen, they had to re write the speech.

    But, she does look like someone running for class president.

  14. molly and holly

  15. Same person who wrote it for Rudy Giuliani.

  16. Levi Johnston.  That's the real reason he is at the convention.  To help make his future mother-in-law look good.

  17. / She did, that's why it's so good.

    Unlike Obama who memorizes old speeches

  18. McCain's speech writers.

    The language being used is very deliberate, very much in keeping with the new direction of McCain's campaign.

  19. Dr. Seuss

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