
Whoa! What do you think of this mascara?

by  |  earlier

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I think it's weird. Wonder if it really works? :O




  1. It would take a while to get all the lashes. The brush is too small.  

  2. oh my gosh thats so weird! thats crazy! i want some now! haha.

  3. i think it's weird too-brush is too small. why not go in the store and try it to see if it's any good

  4. My wife uses it all the time.

  5. Because it is soo unique i would have to try it out definitely.  

  6. IT IS SO GOOD!  


  8. Woah, that does look really weird, I'll have to try it out.  Thanks:D

  9. how does that work?


  10. I also think it's weird.. I'm sure it'd work though, even if it is a small brush. It's made for getting at roots (like if you have really light lashes)

  11. okay that is weird.. i don't think it will work to well  

  12. what the??


  13. i really doubt it. wierd as h**l

  14. i got an emal from sephora about their new and best mascara's today and that was one of them, i did my research, but so little people try it and it looks kinda funky so there were no general opinions, some say it was great, some say it was avergae, and some people say it was awful. imma try it and if i do, i'll tell you

  15. I think I'd poke my eye out...haha!

  16. whoa! tht looks strange! lol how the heck r u supposed to put it on? haha

  17. hahah it does look weird

  18. That is different. lol

  19. I'm a sephora junkie & honestly have everything they ever made...i have this and its my favorite mascara EVER, it eliminates many steps, it takes about a minute an eye and it perfectly curls & coats the perfect amount onto each lash, i'd say buy it [:

  20. weird and overpriced

  21. it's  the BEST one ever!!!!! you should totally get it!

    go for it girl!

    hope this helped =]

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