
Whoa! how did gas prices go down so much in like, a day?

by Guest60960  |  earlier

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I live in texas, and i know its not ALOTALOT, but last week gas was at like, 3.95 a gallon, and now its down to 3.76! whoa! where did that come from? is it just in my area or is everyones going down a bit, and will this continue?




  1. It can if they want it to...The whole gas thing is a hoax anyway... Sure they can drop the price dramatically's so overinflated they could drop it to 50 dollars a barrel and they'd still be making hundreds of millions in profit, but that isn't enough for the greedy silent "Illuminati"...they always want more.....

  2. We in East Asia also bringing down the price but for how long?  It is lift-price, going up & down like a lift.  

    It is a crazy world as many claim there is democracy but really is DEMO-CRAZY.

  3. Sure.

    Why not?

    When one step on the oil.

    With self lack of knowledge.

    That stepping on the spill oil can be slippery.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  4. I have heard that yes they will continue to go down.  Yes they are lower in my area, too.

  5. Oil futures traders are reacting to the signs that Bush's war will soon be over.

    The Iraqi Prime Minister, al-Maliki, met with the future President of the United States, Barack Obama, to discuss their mutual agreement that there should be a timeline for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

    This is consistent with the desires of the American public and the Iraqi people.

    Bush's war tripled gas prices by disrupting the world's oil supply and destabilizing the region.

    Soon-to-be-President Obama's actions show that there is a future for both Iraq and America.

    McCain has whined the whole time that Obama has been overseas working for change.

    He, and his special interest buddies in the oil business, want to see Bush's war go on for another 100 years.

  6. I hope it will. a friend of mine that works for chevron he said that there is no oil shortage. The gas companies are just not at full production. They have had trouble in some refineries and the companies don't want to repair till the economy improves. It will be too expensive for them to repair now. plus they love to make more money at a limited production. They make more money by producing less.

  7. Still $4.59 here.

  8. What fired the prices of gas is .Bush war thread against iran ,this war threaden the ceplias of oil from arbic gulf.

  9. Keeping things artificially inflated is a central concept in corrupt economics. Once you have been frightened to death with hyper-inflation, any relief is welcomed and they have everyone in the palm of their hand again.

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