
Whoa randy called Test, bubba dudely and hardcore holly bad wrestlers?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Well, none of them are exactly great. Test is boring and doesn't really have any skills, Hardcore Holly is a lifelong jobber, and Bubba Dudley is nothing without his tag partner. So I agree with him, lol.

  2. I'd agree with him.  

  3. I agree with him. Bubba sucks unless it's in a tag match (and usually he even sucks at those unless it's a gimmick match that is really spotty). Hardcore Holly is the most innapropriately named wrestler in history. What makes him hardcore? Hardcore wrestlers take bumps, Holly only gives bumps to other wrestlers but does not take them himself. Plus hardcore wrestlers BLADE. When was the last time Bob Holly did a bladejob? Last time I checked, the answer is NEVER. Test is a roid freak who is boring and tends to botch a lot (he still BOTCHES LESS THAN THAT ROID FREAK BOTCHTISTAROIDS, though)

  4. Yes he did, he actually has some issues with Bubba which is why he said that...he said they didn't help him out when he was just getting in.

    In a podcast interview he did he also said for whatever reason CM Punk is World Champion.

    I just think Randy is maturing but is still somewhat of a hot head. Before you people start giving me thumbs down, he said that himself in the podcast interview. WWE went up to him numerous times that he had to change his attitude and stop getting in trouble on the road. He had to take anger management classes, and ironically he took up motorcyle riding as a way to handle his anger problems...which we all know he got into a motorcycle accident recently.

    I've witnessed his attitude problems personally when I was outside of Madison Square Garden a few years ago and he was coming out of the arena...

    He's maturing but still has a ways to go...and I wonder what it's going to be like backstage when he comes back on RAW with him and Punk...

  5. why "whoa"?

    test is openly on 'roids.

    bubba dudley keeps getting fatter.

    "sparky plugg" holly works stiff if he isn't too injured to work at all.

  6. They all have good inring abilities. The only problem is it is hard to use them in any good rivalries because they don't have good gimmicks. Hardcore Holly should have gone to ECW in the draft. Test and Bubba really didn't have anything else to do in WWE


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