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Can you please type down the stuff on the "Talk to Anyone" article but only the important things. Whoever does this i will answer and star any question(s) they want. I chose best answer! Thanks so much! =)




  1. Start the conversation by, "Who do you know here?" Avoid yes or no questions like ("Know anyone here?"), since they don't leave conversation open on the other side.

    Comment on a mutual experience invites the other person to add her own thoughts. ("That assignment was hard.") Don't make any downer declarations, because you might offend the person.

    Compliments put people at ease and gives them a chance to tell you about themself.

    To continue the momentum throughout the convo...

    -Really listen to the other person (comment or ask questions own that this person is saying to show you're interested)

    -Invite people into the conversation to offer new opinions, stories etc. and it will keep the conversation from going dull.

    -Bring up celebrity gossip or world issues if the convo is slowing down.

    Fix mistakes...

    Problem: You accidentally insult this person.

    Fix it: Turn the slip up into a compliment. Ex. You say "I'm over platforms!" But then you see she is wearing them, say, "But see, my legs don't look nearly as good in them!" This gives her a little bit of a confidence boost. Then change the subject to prevent things from getting awkward.

    Problem: You're stuck talking with someone.

    Fix it: Wait for a natural pause in the convo, and say something like you were going to meet a friend somewhere.

    Problem: You're worried your hogging the conversation.

    Fix it: If you have been talking for over a minute straight it tells you it's time to wrap it up. Ask this person a question about something.

    Hope this helps!

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