
Whole india is One. No one hate any other. I live in madhya Pradesh and I Love North as well as South India.?

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Whole india is One. No one hate any other. I live in madhya Pradesh and I Love North as well as South India.?




  1. Okay, thats good!

    I'm from Maharashtra and i like both north and south india!

    What is the question by the way? :D

  2. Well.  If what you say is correct, you ae a true Indian in all respect.  Please keep up the spirit and ideology.

  3. Even if some of us hate each other , we are one ...

  4. Yes, you do.

    Do you live near "saannchi shrine" ?

    There are huge Buddhist style temples.

    I was walking around India many times.

    Love India !!  Thanks to delicious curries.

  5. we are indians.  From kashmir to kanyakumari all are indians and why hate each other... i am a Tamilian living in tamilnadu. There are more north indian people here.  There is no single difference of opinion with them   The women are nice and they sometimes invites us for their function and i join them.  But, in maharashtra there is the politicians creates dif. of opinions and dividing the south and north.  you know the fight some months ago.  i welcome you and your opinion.  This is india,  this is Bharath.  This is the country, where seers, Adhi sankarachary, Ramanuja, and other elders born and teached us the value of co-operation, politeness, respects etc.,  we live with co-operation.  thanks...

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