
Whole wheat bread recommendation

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I'm limited to these brands. I want one that's sweet and soft. Can you provide any feedback on them? Or if you know of a brand that's sweet and soft but not on the list and is nationally available I'd like to hear of it). I'm in Wisconsin.

Yahoo is gasping for breath again - brands will be posted in additional details. Yoiks.




  1. Healthy Choice Honey Wheat, Yum!

  2. I like the wonder bread light wheat and the sara lee honey wheat.  they are both really good on any sandwhich, especially the classic grilled cheese.

  3. Generally speaking, Sarah Lee is soft but you can always check by just picking up the loaf and if it squishes a bit when you hold it, it is probably soft where harder loafs tend to stay stiff when you pick them up.  For sweetness, most any bread that has the word "honey" in it's name should be sweet.  You can also check the ingredients to see if there has been any sugar or sweet tasting product included.  Generally the ingredients are listed in order of magnitude so honey used at the top of the list will add more sweet taste than if honey is at the bottom of the list.

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