
Whom did you least like out of these two BB blonde beauties..?

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Nicole Cammack BB9 OR

Grace Adams-Short BB7..

Both quite similar...young, beautiful, slim, posh and ambitious.

Just wondering if the female voters were more than a little jealous...




  1. You seem to have forgotten arrogant, snotty and miserable. That's why they were voted out. Has nothing to do with jealousy.

  2. No Jealousy in this case,men and women alike were unanimous with the dislike ,she had a very Miserable persona .

  3. Who and who..?? lol

  4. i liked grace,she was alirght i guess .but as for nicole,yeahshes pretty but she treated mikey vile!She also e.g. when the shopping came she was shouting at mo to move,also when she cant get her own way shell just cry.

    NICOLE is a spinless Bi**h

  5. I didn't like either of them. Nicole is better looking that's it!!!. I don't think that she's ambitious in the slightest, she want's everything to come to her instead of going to get it.

  6. err no theyre both pathetic boring morons and the only people obsessed with them are themselves


  7. Grace: I thought Grace was ok, not one of the best HM's but definitley not one of the worst.

    Not really sure she is beautiful though:

    Nicole: Jealousy? No, Nicole is the kind of girl woman do not want to be like. Most women prefer to be classy, not trampy.

    Beautiful? I don't think so.

    Now these girls ARE beautiful...

  8. Im not jealous of either. I actually like Grace. I dont think she didnt really do anything wrong in the house. As for nicole. A winging old cow. She meant to be 19 and having the time of her life but instead she was in big brother crying, winging and moaning all the time. Dont no if thats what rex has made her like but, dont really like her.  

  9. Ok, young ok, beautiful, Grace yeah, posh more like selfish and controlling, ambitious of what? going out for someone with a large wallet?

    I liked Grace, so Nicole I liked less

  10. Hahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahaahaahahaha... haahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahaaha...

  11. Jealous? No-one wants to be like them people. Thats why they didnt last long.

  12. Both very fake, pretentious people, so don't like either of them. They think they are something when they aren't.

  13. grace is far better....she had at least an ounce of intelligence....nicole was/is very immature and has a lot of living to do to catch up with the rest of us, and seeing that she is 19, it shows just how pathetic her life is right now......the cure for her is to go out and GET A JOB, she will immediatly feel better about herself.....shagging a bloke and staying with him because he has money bears bad times ahead for her. When he get's rid of her(and he will) her life will be ruined and she will have nothing to fall back on at all...!!!!!!!!

  14. loved "horse faceed" grace.

    hated nicole.

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